random notes, quotes and other inspirations from the inner path


February 12th, 2008

how do we get there, to the place where love is?

in our days and age we are experiencing a continuous speed up of time / pace of life and an exponential widening of space /  options / choices

this puts us deeper and deeper into a almost paradoxical situation – we have less and less time for more and more things

those trends are driven by evolutionary dynamics far beyond the choices of us as individuals – cosmic cycles – and they will continue to increase in intensity in the years to come until the paradox collapses into itself :-)

how do we survive that, we with our complex urban lifestyles, our jobs, our spouses, our kids, our hobbies, our mortgages, our love affairs, our holidays, our parents, our tight schedules, our media overkill, our technological revolutions, our tv shows, our computers, our friends, our illnesses, our aging, our tiredness – how do we cope with all of that, how do we bring it together under one hat?  

and where is love in all of that, where is the essence and meaning?

where is the magic, the wonder and delight that we can see in the eyes of a young child sometimes?

how can we get back to that? 

reflect on that question for a while 

i think we can, i am convinced that the kingdom is not far
kingdom of heaven i mean, the land ruled by the law of love

where the paradoxes come together to be paradox no more, past and future merge into now, time becomes endlessly flexible

and so on :-)

what ever our trip is, our individual path, our dharma and karma, our job at hand – i think the key to the kingdom is always close by

if we can just take a deep breath and relax, love the exact thing we do right now, give ourself full heartedly into it, no reservations, no holding back, no second thoughts, no putting off till tomorrow

if we can just manage to go about our business gently, with no hurry or haste, one thing after the other, put all the consciousness and attention into it that we can gather and focus, then we become ONE with our life and we will FLOW

on and on

a deeper intelligence sets in, a higher vision beyond what our best planning can do

if we can hold ourselves in this state of grace for a longer while, a sense of purpose sets into our life, a deep knowing of what we are here for and what this is all about

and this is an experience, something real, existing beyond philosophy or belief or intellectual reasoning   

something simple

it may happen in the stillness of a sun drenched meadow deep in the woods  or it may happen in the middle of a busy busy business meeting – it does not matter where

all you can do is breath it in

and smile
