random notes, quotes and other inspirations from the inner path

2012 and beyond … the future as i see it

July 19th, 2008



so what about the future?


what will be, where will i be?

shall we care about the future? 

shall we save for our pension?

shall we ponder where we want to spend our old days?


right now the polar ice is melting with record speed, the world’s population increasing exponentially, food resources are dwindling and energy prices climbing dangerously high

mayor economic markets are slumping into recession and islamic terrorism is exporting the holy dirty war the world over


do i think the bad news will stop anytime soon? 

no, i don’t!


so, where will i be safe, where will i go to spend my old days in peace?

and what about our children, our grandchildren?


or is it the apocalypse right around the corner and i better start praying fast?


well, whatever our point of view might be about the future, i think there is one fact that is unshakeable true:

that the life is taking place right at this moment and ultimately this now is the only time we have for sure


so why wait, why await something or the other!

whatever my personal future will be, it will naturally and organically grow out of my present state of being

my dreams, my desires, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and intentions will attract my future to me


what my aspirations are today, this will shape my life and be my reality tomorrow

in that sense i can say: the future is now


every dream and heart’s desire that i envision, nurture and work on consistently will come true and every attitude and soul quality that i strife to embody now and radiate out into the world will eventually be manifest in my life’s environment, will one day be reflected back by my surroundings by the people and things that are in my life


this is not an esoteric theory, rather laws of physics and metaphysics

laws of life

certainly this is my experience:

my life is the outer reflection of my consciousness


so what has all of that to do with the year 2012 and what does it mean for our individual and collective future?

and what is this 2012 anyway?


december 21. 2012, to be exact

i think i came across this date for the first time in 1986, when i stumbled upon a book written by Jose Argüelles, an artist and researcher of the Mayan culture, a specialist on their astronomy, astrology, mythology and astonishingly advanced timekeeping system

this culture had blossomed in middle america in the time period between the years 300 and 900 AC and then disappeared mysteriously at some point

without going to much into any of this rather complex stories it is enough to say, that the Mayas had a perspective of time as phenomena of a cyclic nature rather than something linear and their understanding of it was grounded in observation of astronomical and cosmic realities rather than the mechanical approach of our gregorian calendar and our clocks

their knowledge of cosmic cycles and their astronomical calculations are astonishing and their calendar was reaching back into very distant past … and curiously this calendar ends in 2012 on the 21. of December


they called this date the end of time as we know it


not the end of the world!


so what then? is there any real relevance to this mayan calendar?


i the later part of the 1980s it also became more widely known, that many other prophecies and visionary predictions, indigenous myths and extraterrestrial channeling, astrophysical and cosmological/archetypal pieces of information seem to be pointing towards some mayor event that would affect not only individuals, not only “believers” but all of humanity, actually all of the earth and far beyond


the Hopi indians of America call this the “transition from the forth to the fifth world”, other predictions speak of the reappearance of the Christ (consciousness) in the hearts of men, the coming of the Maitrea Buddha of unconditional love and compassion and so on

many pieces of channeled information that claim to come from non-human spiritual sources talk very specifically about the coming dimensional shift into the 5. dimension, the dimension of one-ness, unity consciousness

advanced philosophers and thinkers like Teilhard de Chardin have postulated the awakening of the Noosphere, a kind of collective consciousness of humanity, the nerve system of Gaia, our earth


you can read many books talking about all those things, you will find loads of interesting stuff there and probably you will also find that there is a lot of crap as well :-)


but in the end it is clear that there is a lot of evidence!

a lot of fingers are pointing at something!

i think it would be unwise if not outright stupid to ignore such a large body of evidence and to keep walking ahead just like we always used to do it … blindly 

close the eyes and assume that everything will simply go on and on as it always has


i think it will not!

my inner knowing tells me that very clearly


in the past 25 years i have tried to stay very up to date with all available material, very informed, keeping my ear to the ground so to say

to hear the horses coming


and tried to stay critical too, wanting to separate the wheat from the chaff


interestingly, the flow of information from spiritual sources, the channeled teachings about “the transition” and how to approach it has ebbed in the recent five years or so and almost nothing new is appearing


what does that mean?


i would say that all has been said already, more or less

all has been warned, all has been explained, all has been inspired and dictated


the bottom line of all those teachings is, that the only time there is is now, that what we think so we will be, what we send out into the world will come back to us in some way, what we have inside we inevitably be attracted to us outside and so on


it is not my intention now to point out the universal teachings

but pretty much it is all there

if we want to know it


obviously it is up to us now to realize it, to make real those teachings, to live them in everyday life


if we make the choice to do so, to invest our life in the things that essentially matter … this will make us very busy in every moment, very conscious of our every day of our life, conscious of every action

every impulse, influence, mood, thought and feeling will come to our awareness

every outdated believe system and emotional hang-up will come to light to be released

every destructive habit will have the chance to get transformed


in this way of life we will maybe totally forget the months and years passing and 2012 will come and go unnoticed, because we will be so completely absorbed in doing what we love to do, focussed and flowing from moment to moment so that we don’t really notice :-) that we have already shifted into the new dimension, that we have already entered a new age, the so called golden age – satia yuga – that we live more and more fulfilled, more and more connected, more and more knowing, more and more one with ourself and life


and just in case we do notice that it is Dec. 21. 2012 on our good old calendar … we will just smile and know for sure that there is really nothing to worry about







p.s: if you want to read some more, here a few recommended books:


Beyond Prophecies and Predictions 

by Moira Timms


Galactic Alignment – The Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions

by John Major Jenkins


The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind

by Barbara Hand Clow 



many others … but that’s a bit too much now