random notes, quotes and other inspirations from the inner path

2012 re-visited

November 25th, 2008




Why am i taking up the issue of 2012 again?

Because i feel that it is the single most important reality of our lifetime and everything seen and unseen is influenced by it’s occurrence.


Obviously the majority of people have no awareness of the background of this immense transformative process that is causing the acceleration of life and human development and that will exponentially pick up speed and intensity in the next 3 years to come.

And even people who have heard or read about 2012 often have a very vague idea and incoherent information about the cause and the effects and what to do about all of that.


So from my own inner experience and accumulated knowledge i will outline my perspective of the whole thing, the bigger picture as i see it and i will leave it up to you to take whatever is resonating with your inner feelings and intuitions. 


I think we have all been here before, on this very place in space.

We the Humans.

The human race, the human kingdom together with the animal kingdom together with the plant and mineral kingdom and probably a few other realms of beings that we are only vaguely aware of.


One could say that the whole of us together we are part of a living evolving being that in ancient cultures has been called many names, one of them is  Gaia, the Earth.


We not only live on the planet Earth, we are a part of it and what happens to the Earth happens to us.

And what happens in the collective mind of humanity determines the path that Gaia is taking.

Because it is said that we, the humans are the nerves, the nervous system of the Earth.


Earth together with the other brother and sister planets spins her path around the sun, creating seasons,  precise cycles marked by equinoxes and solstices. 




the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length (about September 22 and March 20).



either of the two times in the year, the summer solstice and the winter solstice, when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marked by the longest and shortest days.




In analogous fashion the sun with our solar system together with countless other stars of the Milky Way galaxy is dancing around a Galactic Center, the Dark Rift as it was called in ancient mythologies and indigenous creation stories. 

It has also been revered as the Womb of the Great Mother, the Place of the Beginning.


Modern day astronomy and astrophysics calls this area in the center of it all a black hole.

To astrophysicists such black holes are fascinating and mysterious things and i think the more advanced scientists considers them to be gateways to other universes or dimensions.


In many metaphysical traditions this area of the Milky Way has been called the Great Central Sun.

Spiritual Sun, Seat of the Tao and other such names were given and the highest significance was attributed to it, the highest reference.


It was referenced as the origin on all life giving, life enhancing impulses.


Now modern astronomy and astrophysics reveals again what ancient stargazers and mathematicians like the Mayans already knew for sure – that we, the Earth is coming to a relative closest point to the Galactic Center every 26000 years or so.

and such an event has the highest significance for all that lives on the planet as well as for the Earth itself.


To point towards that reality, the classical Mayas created the most sophisticated system of timekeeping based on celestial observation their highly advanced mathematical skills and produced a calendar that reaches far far back into the past and curiously ends at December 21 of the year 2012.


This date marks the end of the Long Count of the Mayan Calendar and they called it the “End of Time as we know it”.


Astronomy says that this date marks the closest conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the Galactic equator and the Ecliptic – which simply means that this is the closest point that we ever get to the Central Place of the Galaxy.



I would say it’s high time to get a good sun cream and the coolest sunglasses you can find :-)



In ancient Vedic philosophy and astronomy (which dates back some 5000 years in India) the Galactic Center is known as Vishnunabhi, the seat of creative power.

The vedic Rishis, the wise man of old times called this Long Count Cycle the “outbreath and inbreath of Brahma” and they divided it into 4 Yugas, the Satya Yuga, the Treta Yuga, the Dvapara Yuga and finally the Kali Yuga, which can be roughly translated with the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages.


Those “ages” describe the seasons of the condition of human consciousness and they correlate with the proximity of the earth to the Galactic Center.




So, why on earth do i even bother you with all of that stuff?

Well, probably just to make the point that all of that is nothing new, no fuzzy New Age philosophy.

Probably just because most of us have no knowledge of such things and no believe system or tradition, that would provide such a perspective.


To have have such a framework and to interpret the events of our lifetime and world from this perspective is an immense help in times of outer chaos, in times when the pillars and foundations of our existence seems to fall apart, disintegrate, evaporate


Just as it is happening right now in our time.

Just look around you with open eyes.


Watch it unfold.

And the speed will pick up dramatically, i promise you:-)


So why is that?



Since years, ten years or so there has been talk about a mysterious Photon Belt, an area in space that is filled with Photon particles.




a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.




Without going too much into the confusions of quantum physics, my understanding of this unique particle is is what light is about, it has no polarity, it comes when positive and negative meet into a union, it is a paradox for the dualistic mind, symbolically speaking it represents unity.

Metaphysics associate it with the Christ Consciousness.


What ever … the thing is, that this Photon Belt is a vast area in space – doughnut shaped – around the Galactic center and our earth is wobbling into it since quite a while.


This high energy field might be trigger for the acceleration of consciousness that can be observed in the collective human mind over the last 30 years or so. 


Now there could be many things that would be interesting to discuss, but i just want to outline the picture in broad strokes.


What effect does this energy field have on human life, on society, on our ways?


Basically it accelerates the vibration of everything.

Time, speed of everyday life, accruing events, psychic processes, inventions, understanding, realization of goals, inner development, enlightenment and so on.


On the “negative” side it unveils and breaks down all rigid structures, concepts, ideologies, outdated believe systems, all fake and phony delusions and make-believes, all hidden agendas, all separative ways of being that don’t support the whole.


Sounds not so bad, doesn’t it?

No it sounds actually very good to me.

Just too bad that much of the human world as we know it is build on such unreality, mostly revolves around phony illusions, is basically based on quicksand.

So when the quicksand starts to move, the whole card house comes tumbling down.

Chaos reigns. 



This is what this energy does – basically.


But it is only the necessary preparation, the prelude for the real thing.


It is only the cleansing storm before the sunrise.


The rigid concrete floor has to crumble so that the fresh green plants can grow again, the flowers blossom.


The vedic philosophy calls this time the end of of Kali Yuga, the Iron Age, the darkest time, the most materialistic dense period of the cycle where there is no further to go.


This is the state of life on earth now.


Six billion people exponentially increasing the population with natural resources quickly dwindling, nature stripped of it’s rich resources, species disappearing, dying out in record numbers, people rapidly loosing trust in all kinds of institutions – presidents, FBI, CIA, organized religions, even the banks and stock markets :-) – the polar ice caps and all glaciers melting with unprecedented speed raising the sea levels in ways that soon will make it not so very attractive to live on some sunny coastline or in New York or San Francisco or ….



But the end of Kali Yuga is also the beginning of the Golden Age, Satya Yuga

and when the Mayas talked about the “end of time as we know it” they did not mean Doomsday.  

They indicated a point in “time”, linear time where a shift in consciousness can and will happen, an upward shift into the Fifth World that Hopi prophecies talk about.


In my understanding it is the shift into the next higher dimension of consciousness, we could call it the fifth density, the Dimension of Unity, the realm of Soul.


It means a transcending of duality and all duality based thinking, all separation based ways of living. 


This is what is going on, what we are about to experience in this life, that is not a small thing!


It will take some time to fully realize that state of unity consciousness and live it on the level of human society, but there is nothing to wait for

the time is now to set the sails, to put the right coordinates into the navigation computer and to do all it takes to stay on course.


I think this shift is an adventure like nothing we have done since time in memorial :)

It will just change everything we can imagine and bring about a whole new way of life.


According to the Mayan interpretation of time, on Nov 15 we just entered what they call the 6. day of the Galactic Underworld, the dawning of an energy of synthesis, a unity that can include contraries.

And i see signs appearing on the world scene that show me a reflection of that energy, the new soon to be president of the US is one of them, empowered women popping up everywhere is another one :0


The Mayans say that this energy will intensify during the next 2 Days of the Galactic Underworld, which span the time till Nov 2011.

There the last cycle of the Long Count Calendar starts, the most intense and accelerated period that lasts till December 21 2012


So what will be after that, we will see.

Nothing is really written or channeled about that.

No serious predictions that i am aware of.


But i would not just wait to see!!!!!!


I would just right now start to get my act together.

Clean up all the unfinished business in my psyche, wash the dirty dishes, make some order in all the dusty cupboards.

Forgive all the dark spots of my past and so release my karma.

Become brutally honest with myself and outspoken about my feelings and thoughts – so the people can know me.

Get to know myself, get clear about what i really want and focus on that without compromise. 

Clarify my goals, my dreams and intentions.

Create a solid set of positive, life-supporting attitudes and habits.

Become self directed, self empowered, self sufficient.

Learn to feed my body well, learn to nurture my soul with beauty, colors, sounds and such …

Learn some practical skills. 

Learn to love myself fully.

Learn the true meaning of: love thy neighbor as thy self.


Well, with all of that, we will be pretty busy till 2012.


So i’ll probably see you then








In case this brings up any questions, i will be happy to answer them to the best of my abilities.


[email protected]