random notes, quotes and other inspirations from the inner path


January 2nd, 2009




yes, we all want it

don’t we?


we desire it, dream about it, phantasize it and go for it when ever we can


it is all over the place

the whole advertisement business is driving on it, not to mention the porn industry, internet is full of it and the movies too

sex sells, they say


teenagers do it, old people probably too, even priests find their crooked ways to it and the rest of us, we have our ways as well


it’s truly basic!!!


it has not changed so much since our ancestors did it in their stone age caves

just like breathing has not changed much

or walking


it’s basic

it’s sex

the game of the sexes

the male/female game

(even is same sex coupling)


the attraction, the seduction, the erotic games, the love-making, the intercourse, the orgasm

yes we know it all well

how many times have we done it already?

and still we want to do it again!



“so what”, you say: 

“that is our nature! the biology! Procreate! Be fertile and multiply!”


keep your genes going

let the species thrive 


(well, hold on a bit please! we already have seven billion of us here anytime soon, no need really to produce more of us constantly :-)


sure there is biology

but i have the feeling that there is more to sex than what meets the eye

or the instinct, for that matter


more probably then biologic instinct, sensual pleasure and ego gratification and social norm …

all of that is fine in my eyes and has it’s place in the whole scheme of things


but there is more to it and  maybe it is time to consider that and to break thru to that expanded experience of sex



i think in sex we touch on one of the strongest and most mysterious forces of life

and we don’t even know it

most of the time we are quite entangled with and probably also satisfied with the habit of sex

and we don’t take the time and courage to feel deeper into it

or we just don’t know how

how to explore the core of it



even in our normal, instinctive ways of sex there are some interesting and extraordinary factors to notice:


during a healthy sexual act we are

– much more present in the here and now than in most other circumstances

– we breath deeper, we breathe more than normal

– we are in a sensing / feeling state

– we are in our bodies, we experience thru our body

– during orgasm endorphins, joy hormones are released in the brain, triggering rejuvenating processes all over the body system

– in the moments of orgasm we experience a short state of no-mind, it is also called “the little death”

i mean this is the moment where everything else disappears, the job, the bankloan, the weather, the ozone layer, the mother in law …:-)

– in the situation of a sexual encounter with another person we inevitably open our auric field to the field of that person

this is the situation that is custom-made to feel the other deeply, to let her/him in to our heart and soul


sadly, i know this is not always so

just too often sex is used for all kind of ego purposes

and the promise of a true union is not fulfilled


but this fact does not do away with the potential of sex

with the opportunity we get when ever we are willing to turn mere sex into love-making

when we open up to deeper layers of the sexual energy

when we are willing to see the bigger, archetypal picture of this act


male and female coming together, masculine and feminine energies merging, yin and yang creating a wholeness

this is a truly extraordinary event!

i would call it cosmic, a sacred thing


our universe as we know it is based on polarities, is a world of duality

sun – moon, black – white, man – woman, subject – object


just as the development of consciousness in a individual person is moving towards an enlightened state called unity, where the apparent contradictions of duality merge into a synthesis – oneness -, so the evolution of the universe is moving towards a ever higher order of integration, a higher dimension

in our place, in our space / time quadrant i think this next higher order can presently be called the fifth dimension

can also be called unconditional love

can be called soul



love needs to be infused into our sexual acts

the highest possible level of honesty, presence, joy, care, respect, quality, time, relaxation and openness should be applied every time we come together in sex

listen inside, feel, let go of the habit of performing, let go of concept, let the moment guide you

trust the energy

there is nowhere to go

orgasm is not a goal to be attained

orgasm will come in right time

or not, it does not matter


what matters is the moment, the intimacy, the closeness, the atonement, the perfect dance

opening of the hearts, opening of the chakras

this prepares for the merging

the union


and what comes then we can only discover

not talk about it, i guess





and of course, there are techniques, there are ways people have found that can help to accomplish such a state

ancient ways

nothing new and too sophisticated


but that is another issue …:-)





for now – just enjoy it!