The natural world
is full of wonders
of mysteries & miracles
every day, every moment
when you really take time to look
you can see it, you can feel it
Despite all our science and accumulated knowledge
we have no clue what makes all of it the way it is
and what drives it the way it lives itself
it’s just there!
And we – humans – are just there
You are here!
All the never-ending twisting
and explaining of our mind
can not change this fact!
So you are a wonder
a mystery
a miracle in action
There is nothing to explain, reject,
nothing to justify, sugarcoat or change,
nothing to add to you or subtract from you
It is simply by pure & constant awareness of your Self
and of the world that you perceive,
you will come to the realisation of the only reality:
You are free
you are love
you are one
you are, what is commonly called
a soul