Dear Democracy
i guess you’ve had it coming
sweet Democracy
it was good to know you
my dearest Miss D.
I think your time has come
to move on
As i get my dose of News each day
i see the big dark cloud coming up
the riders of the Apocalypse on the horizon
and it’s not a hopeful sight at all
The Great United States are getting even greater now
rapidly deteriorating into autocratic rule
(where is the Democratic Party nowadays?)
The European Union in complete disunion
Populists everywhere smelling their day is coming
and the people, yes The People?
yes, we people … us!
we, the people believe almost anything we are told
when it promises gain
when it carters to our wishes
no matter how phoney the promises are
Or we people are so preoccupied by our own little world
our heads so deep in the sand of personal satisfaction
so we don’t even have a look at the bigger picture
or interest to know whats going on
I guess the old Greek philosophers had it right
and we should read our Plato more often
Democracy can work just fine
but it needs to have THE BEST PEOPLE on the table to make decisions
not the worst breed of ego-driven, power-hungry freaks with no ethics at all
Then the democratic process is not a fight for power between parties
but a inclusiveness consensus building that leads to win-win solutions
Yes, i guess it needs quite a bit of selflessness to be a leader
a lot of attitude of service to all of the people
and to the land
to existence
to the One
don’t ask me how we get there?
Please don’t!
I have no fu…..g idea!
; )