This is not a nostalgic walk down memory lane.
I promise! 😎
This is simply a love letter from me to the city i love(d) and lived in for 10+ beautiful years.
I came to visit first time in 1997 or so, i guess.
But this is also not a tourist guide, there are plenty of great ones to be had online.
I have not been there as a tourist or for the beer or something.
I have been there mainly because of the people i came to love and had the opportunity to work with throughout all those years.
My intention here is to touch upon the places where i loved to spend my time when i needed to get out our cozy beloved home in Prague 6, Petriny.
Why do i write this love letter now?
Well, only God knows where our ideas and creative impulses come from, right?
Just down from where we lived ; )
Hvezda Park, just next door
Divoka Sarka close by, to get lost in …
Up here on Petrin Hill i have been surprised one day by that unique feeling – that i am in love with this city
Loved those crooked cobblestone back streets
Archer’s Island – Strelecký Ostrov
Kampa Park
Café Bella Vida – my 2. favorite work-away–from-home-space
Café Savoy – my all-time-favorite work-away-from-home / reading newspaper / having breakfast / people watching / staring into space-space.
Favorite Gallery Galerie Jakubska
Favorite English-language Bookshop
Favorite nightclub – Radost FX.
My girlfriend worked as gogo-dancer there for a while.
Well, things are goin’ down the drain it seems 😉
But beautifully
Well, what else is there to say …..
Om Tat Sat
And last but not least i want to give my love, my thanks and appreciation and respect to the people i loved there.
Miluska, Jana, Jindra, Dom, Gopi/Moni, Akasha/Katařina, Luke Skywalker, Zuzanna, Illumina , Klara, Micha, Vaishali. Also Casey and the rest.
Ať máš radost!