(… this is a work in progress, please forgive the mistakes in grammar & such ; )
A remedy por favor! A cure for all of that please! … And quick!
Well, if i would be God, i would have a couple of radical ideas & suggestions for humanity.
And the implementation would be absolutely mandatory for every one of you 7.780.694.888 humans on the earth.
No choice whatsoever! : )
Well, obviously i am not the One, i am just a simple guy living on a Paradise Beach.
But for my own sanity i am doing a lot of meditation, reflection and consideration on the topics of our existence here on Earth.
Considering all those challenges that i contemplated in “What’s Next (3)”, there is obviously no one remedy, no one cure for ll those complex problems facing us in the future.
‘We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them’ – Albert Einstein
In my eyes, it will need a quantum leap in consciousness, individual and collective consciousness to get us unto an altogether new level and perspective of life on the planet Earth.
What could be this new level of consciousness?
It will need to be a global consciousness.
We urgently need to grow up from:
– Ego-centric (me, me, me, mine, my profit, my car(s), my moods, my problems, my opinions, my …)
– Ethno-centric (my lover, my family, my football club, my gang, my tribe, my team, my country, my nation …)
and move on up to a perspective that we could call:
– World-centric (where we see the whole human world as one tribe, one people, independent of color, religion, location, occupation, status, wealth and all the rest that divides us nowadays …)
and even further up to:
– Life-centric (where we see all life on Earth, human, animal, plant & mineral kingdoms as one ecosystem, interdependent and alive as One Organism, every single part fulfilling crucial roles that can not be lost without all the others would be affected.
Well, that’s it in theory.
Now, how could such a quantum leap happen???
I have no idea, honestly ; )
After working for 30 years with people to further personal development & spiritual growth, i have no idea. I came to the conclusion that the willingness to grow voluntarily is not very widespread in people. Usually growth & transformation is happening when the pain is big & unbearable and the crisis is even bigger.
Ok, we have a big enough crisis at hand, so maybe …
On the very individual and personal level i think there are many, many, many individuals, many projects and organizations right now working hard to upgrade our collective consciousness with new and enlightened ideas, lots of enthusiasm and sweat and heart & soul.
The YOUTH is on the move and not willing anymore to shut up and wait until its their turn.
They are ANGRY!
And most of all: WOMEN are claiming places of power and infuse the stagnant systems with much needed feminine goddess energy, with social consciousness, intuitive understanding, with care and love – qualities that are already visible wherever women are in charge : )
So, the remedies that i can see are rather not on the level of the problems, there are many other experts who are much smarter than me to talk at length about all of that.
At the end of my writing i will add a number of links to organizations that are dedicated to address those problems.
The remedies that i can see are rather concerning our attitudes, our worldview and the level of consciousness that we live in.
These are things we have immediate power over.
We can change our attitudes thru insight and discipline.
We can change our philosophy of life thru honest self-observation, thru study of wisdom teachings, thru introspection and meditation.
And we need no politicians and not even any guru to do that.
Well, sometimes it helps to have a guide or at least a guidebook ; )
Here are some “new” attitudes and activities that i would see as remedies, if not as cures.
Please feel free to add yours to it in the comment section. All sincere contributions are welcomed:
– Think globally, act locally
– Support local initiatives
– Stay informed about what’s going on in the world, the facts, the trends
– Support investigative journalism
– Participate in local & international internet-based conferences, thought exchanges, sharing circles and networks
– Dream, envision and articulate your ideas, write a blog, write an essay, write a book. All this helps to specify your ideas, which contributes to collective wisdom
– Live close to the Earth, close to nature, commune with the animals and plant kingdoms.
– Walk barefoot when ever you can, go close to water, oceans, rivers, lakes
– Live in the ways of volunteer simplicity, give away or share what you don’t really need for yourself.
– Attempt a minimalist lifestyle of quality over quantity
– Join cooperative and collaborative initiatives, food coops, seed banks, land coops, ethical banking, new economic initiatives and so on.
– If none of such things exist in your vicinity, start such a initiative yourself.
– Support local economy, organic farmers, farm-to-table initiatives, local artists and crafts people, local bookshops, mum-and-pop-shops
– Spread the word about new and revolutionary economic ideas, like Universal Basic Income, Gift Economy, Socially Reasponsible Investment , Ethical Banking …
– Search our glorious global brain – the internet – for all kinds of visionary and utopian initiatives and projects
– Be pragmatic and practical in your approach
– Look for working examples of community, of places that already are pioneers in alternative, wholistic and spirit-based living. Places that over years already demonstrate such alternatives and can teach skills and wisdom. Global Ecovillage Network, Auroville, Tamera, Zegg, Plum Village, Findhorn…)
– Become an activist for noble causes, take to the street to protest
– Support grassroots democratic movements, vote and lobby politically for good causes
– Become politically active, join the political dialog locally and nationally, challenge politicians publicly, run for office, become the president ; )
– Support organizations that have humanity and the planet on their agenda, no matter how imperfectly.
World Health Organization WHO, The United Nations UN, Intergovernmental Organizations and so on …
– Learn to meditate, to quieten your mind, to focus your thinking, to do efficient thinking and planning.
– Learn to work with your emotions, practice gentleness with your shadows and dark moods and learn not to identify with them
– Join group meditations in person, join worldwide meditations to lift the global vibration
– Practice the qualities of Compassion and Loving kindness in everyday life
– Practice Giving-ness & Generosity
– Practice Random Kindness and Senseless Acts OfBeauty
– Think not what others could do for you, rather think what you can do for others
– Trust in Life, have Faith in The Divine, pray!
– Stay inspired, humble, courageous and human at all times
– Inspire by word and deed and writing and art and your life
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Living life in peace
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will be as one
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
… to be continued
Please make some contribution in the comments section
… and come back in a little while to read the rest.