My friends, it looks like the Age of Aquarius has not shown up yet.
Humankind’s mass ascension into the next dimension has obviously been postponed ; )
Even the Motherships, the UFOs have not shown up to take us away to a better place!
Actually, it is looking a bit bleak out here.
We could say its not really much fun looking at the world right now.
Arctic Icecaps melting with record speed.
The Great United States becoming the joke of the world, i guess it has already reached the point of no return.
Millions of naive people getting their personal data syphoned sold away for profit and they are still posting their selfies wildly.
Narcissistic behavior is rampant, drugs are everywhere you look.
As is corruption and sex scandals.
Even the European Union is not so united anymore ; D
Populists are on the rise in politics.
Totalitarian strongman are seen as the leaders of tomorrow.
And the bees are still dying in troves while Monsanto merges with Bayer.
More power to the life-denying corporations!
Did i mention that Artificial Intelligence is taking over your iPhones pretty soon?
And your mind too.
; D
Shall i go on?
Its easy to succumb to the desire to stick the head into the sand, not see nothing.
Its easy to become cynical, call it all a big clusterfuck and retreat into our own little private worlds.
But in spite of all of that, i notice something …
Each and every day i wake up, i get up, i go about whatever business i need to go about.
And underneath it all i feel a quiet happiness, a constant feeling of fullness.
A silent smile to myself.
And to the people in my path.
Lightness of Being.
Tenderness of my heart wanting to flow out into the world.
All feels right.
How to align this with my perception of the world … ?
No idea how to solve this contradiction, such paradox.
Maybe there will never be a paradise in the world.
Maybe paradise is only in your eyes.
What you think?