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From time to time i am getting the code bug ; D
Then people see me sitting around, typing away on my keyboard.
And when they care to look at my screen, they just see some mysterious writings there:
It may look like Chinese to them, but it is actually much simpler than the Chinese language.
Its a language that i am typing, actually 4 different languages, Javascript is one of them, CSS (Cascading Style Sheds), HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)
Sounds very geeky, right? : )
But actually pretty cool to speak these languages a bit, because most everything you see on the wwweb in your browser is based on the smart combination of those four.
And it has always fascinated me that – with a certain expertise – i can create (almost) anything i can imagine from scratch and put it out there into the wild wild web ; D
A browser and code for the coder is a bit what painting is for a painter: a blank canvas, a brush … and phantasy to create something that was not there before.
Like music, like poetry is has a ethereal quality, it is not actually there, just some lines of symbols that are compiled by the browser from zeros and ones to … something
Of course … what we can see on the web mostly lacks the touch of art, it is more practical oriented.
Unfortunately, i would say.
Only 10 – 15 years ago it has been much more playful, the community of coders was much more experimentally oriented and free to share. Open source, code is free to be shared, this has been the philosophy.
All changed more or less with the monopoly and influence of Apple and the iPhone and other monopolies from The Industry.
Still, there is an incredible openness for sharing and non-commercial exchange of knowledge in the different coding communities on the net. And willingness to help out and give advice and hints to novices.
Which makes it easy and fun to learn almost anything that you want to learn about coding.
Well, i got sidetracked! My code bug!
So from time to time i get this impulse, an idea and i sit down to do some playful “art”
Like this, for example: Open genArt
But lately this bug has been biting me in a different way!
Not so much art there but rather the “intelligence” has been intriguing me.
I have been observing how AI (Artificial Intelligence) has been creeping in (or out ; ) everywhere lately and i guess it is going to take over the whole thing (our world) pretty soon.
And all the great and big players of the internet are investing huge sums of money to win the race of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, you name it!
They all are wildly developing in this domain and also making tools available for free for you ind me to play around with. (And create our own little Frankenstein monsters ; )
So for me it became interesting to look if there is anything i can understand and do with those tools on the web.
Speech recognition, speech synthesis has always interested me (thanks to certain Science Fiction movies i guess).
Or self-generative “music” and visual “art”.
Well, i found that its all not that easy!!!
As you can see here on some of my first experiments … its all pretty rudimentary, pretty much Kindergarden stuff.
A far cry from the coolness of HAL 9000 in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
But anyway … here it is:
1) In this one you can draw a few lines of a face and the AI will attempt to draw endless different variations of that face.
(Actually in a pre-kindergarten kind of style ; )
What have I learned from spending time with this very complicated AI things???
Well, AI is coming, like an avalanche it is coming i guess, literally rolling us over.
So it might be wise to know a bit about it all.
My engineering mind might be quite fascinated, but all in all i am a bit tired of code, of all this technical kind of thinking, of the lure of those incredible technological feats and advancements that we are witnessing.
I am much more drawn to things that have feeling in them, soul , drawn to music, to painting, to poems that express the mysteries of life and love.
And so on.
You understand?