[almost] infinite


loading infinity (∞) takes a while …..

[ almost … ]


what's that
sound ?


Longplayer is a 1000+ year long musical composition.

It began playing at midnight on the 31st of December 1999, and will continue to play without repetition until the last moment of 2999, at which point it will complete its cycle and begin again.

Conceived and composed by Jem Finer, it is now in the care of the Longplayer Trust.

Longplayer can be heard in the lighthouse at Trinity Buoy Wharf, London, where it has been playing since it began. It can also be heard at several other listening posts around the world, and globally via a live stream on the Internet.

Longplayer is composed for singing bowls – an ancient type of standing bell – which can be played by both humans and machines, and whose resonances can be very accurately reproduced in recorded form.

It is designed to be adaptable to unforeseeable changes in its technological and social environments, and to endure in the long-term as a self-sustaining institution.

Longplayer is composed in such a way that the character of its music changes from day to day and – though it is beyond the reach of any one person’s experience – from century to century.

It works in a way somewhat similar to a system of planets, which are aligned only once every thousand years, and whose orbits meanwhile move in and out of phase with each other in constantly shifting configurations. 





Longplayer grew out of a conceptual concern with problems of representing and understanding the fluidity and expansiveness of time.

While it found form as a musical composition, it can also be understood as a living, 1000-year-long process – an artificial life form programmed to seek its own survival strategies.

More than a piece of music, Longplayer is a social organism, depending on people – and the communication between people – for its continuation, and existing as a community of listeners across centuries.

>> Longplayer Homepage <<




..... and what's that???


Image 3 people, lets say a man and two women, or lets say two men and one woman or other possible constellations of trendy bi-sexuality. All of them have different levels of attraction, different passions and sexual drives or jealousies and restrictions and so on.

Its called a Love Triangle, aka “amour de trois”
Usually exciting at the beginning, over time mostly a perfect recipe for emotional chaos and at the end ….. disaster.

But once in a million cases a happy stable constellation can emerge.

The 3-body problem is a classical problem in physics and celestial mechanics that involves determining the motion of three bodies interacting with each other gravitationally. Specifically, it seeks to predict the positions, velocities, and accelerations of three massive objects moving under the influence of their mutual gravitational forces.

The 3-body problem is notoriously difficult to solve analytically, meaning there is no general closed-form solution that can describe the motion of the bodies for all possible initial conditions.

3-body is the most simple example of a chaotic system.
In a chaotic system there are a infinite number of ways it can play out.
Mostly chaos ensures.
But in every chaos there is an implicit order, at least i tend to believe that 😎 


This means that out of the “[ almost ] infinite” constellations, there are a few that are stable and harmonious.


Down here you can see a small numbers of the 3 bodies / lovers who found harmony in their life. 




..... I would like to hear a little more about Chaos and the Implicit Order?

The statement “In every chaos there is an implicit order” encapsulates a profound aspect of chaos theory and the study of complex systems. While chaos theory emphasizes the unpredictable and seemingly random behavior of certain dynamical systems, it also reveals underlying patterns, structures, and orderliness within that apparent chaos.

**Emergent Order**: In many chaotic systems, seemingly random behavior can give rise to emergent order or self-organization. Through the interactions of individual components, complex patterns and structures can emerge spontaneously without centralized control. Examples include the formation of spiral galaxies, the intricate patterns of turbulence, or the synchronization of fireflies.

**Attractors and Fractals**: Chaotic systems often exhibit attractors, such as strange attractors, which have a complex and self-similar structure known as fractals. Fractals demonstrate a form of orderliness within chaos, where patterns repeat at different scales. This fractal geometry reveals hidden structure and organization within apparently disordered systems.

**Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions**: Chaos theory emphasizes the sensitive dependence of complex systems on initial conditions, commonly referred to as the butterfly effect. While this sensitivity can lead to unpredictability, it also implies that even tiny perturbations can influence the system’s evolution in systematic ways, suggesting an underlying orderliness in the system’s behavior.

**Nonlinear Dynamics**: Chaos theory deals with nonlinear dynamical systems, where relationships between variables are not proportional. Despite their complexity, these systems often exhibit characteristic behaviors, such as bifurcations and phase transitions, which hint at underlying organizational principles governing their behavior.

**Complexity Science**: The study of complex systems, which often exhibit chaotic behavior, seeks to understand how simple interactions among individual components can give rise to complex collective behavior. Through concepts like emergence, self-organization, and adaptation, complexity science uncovers the underlying orderliness within complex systems, even in the midst of apparent chaos.



And here see some of the [ almost ] infinite ways a 3-body love triangle can descend into chaos ; )



But! Chaotic systems can also become a thing of beauty when they find a stability in time and constellation.
One example might be solar systems, galaxies and many other structures in the universe that seem dynamic and evolving but yet stable.

Another example of such stability may be Strange attractors, especially the so called Lorenz Strange Attractor.



The Lorenz strange attractor is a mathematical concept that represents the complex, infinitely non-repeating behavior of a chaotic system that has found equilibrium and stability out of infinite chaotic possibilities .

It is closely related to the butterfly effect, which highlights the sensitivity to initial conditions and the unpredictability of chaotic systems.
The name “butterfly effect” comes from the metaphorical example of a butterfly flapping its wings in one location, causing small changes in the atmosphere that can eventually lead to significant changes in weather patterns on the other side of the world.



Now, what about ….. real infinity?


Infinity is a fascinating concept that has puzzled philosophers and mathematicians “for ever”. 
It doesn’t have a single, universally agreed-upon definition, but …..


..... but what exactly could that mean?

….. but, but, but …..  it really depends on who is asking ;  ):

Mathematical Infinity:

Boundless Quantity: This refers to something that never ends, grows without limit, and cannot be reached by counting or measuring. This “quantity” isn’t a specific number, but more like a symbol representing the concept of endlessness.

Some kinds of Fractals  as well as  π (Pi) point towards the “[almost] infinite”.

The Mandelbrot Set. is a kind of fractal where you can zoom in “infinitely deep” and you will never come to an end.
For me that’s at least a crude approximation of infinity 😎 



π (Pi). is a mysterious number that goes on and on and on “ad infinitum“.

Its is a mathematical constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.
It is an irrational number, meaning it cannot be expressed as a finite decimal or fraction, and its decimal representation continues infinitely without repeating.

In 2022, the highest number of decimal places ever computed for the value of π is over 62.8 trillion digits.
That looks like:
pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094330572703657595919530921861173193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912 ……

….. and then 10 more pages like that and still no end in sight  😯 

….. ad infinitum 😆 


Philosophical Infinity:

Infinity raises questions about the nature of existence, time, and the universe itself.
Is the universe truly infinite, or does it have a finite size?
Can we truly comprehend something that never ends?


In Literature and Art, Infinity is often used as a metaphor for vastness, eternity, or the unknown.
It appears in various works of fiction, poetry, and even visual art to evoke feelings of wonder and contemplation.


Many religions and spiritual traditions use concepts of infinity when they talk about

God, the Divine, the afterlife

or the nature of consciousness.









Ok, this was fun (for me)
Contemplating [ almost ] infinity
ending up with [ real ] Infinity


Now, what do i take away from all that ….. ?

everything begins

at least thats the law in our 3D/4D space/time universe

the beauty of a woman
the universe itself
me, definitely 

every feeling
every thought in my mind
every concept and philosophy and belief 
all of that a result of interaction with the space/time world

to look for infinity in a finite mind-set, a finite world is ……

well, not very wise, to say the least 😆 

whats left to look at- at least for me – is “the Beyond” that is inherent in the “Here and Now”.

I am not talking a bout “God”
or any concept of that sort.

I am talking


that is here&now&beyond

and “it” is experience-able
although it is also “me”


All those seeming paradoxical thing i’d like to contemplate in my next – and probably last – contemplation.

Because i guess it is so infinitely big a theme that i will need the rest of my finite lifetime to figure it out





..... more???





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