Well … besides those spontaneous declarations that i made in Part 1, i believe that it is a very good idea to examine closely what i believe in. The whole system of ideas and core experiences that make up my life-philosophy, my view and perspective on life.
I believe that our belief systems are the filters thru which we perceive reality.
And ultimately what i believe in today will shape my individual reality in my future. And probably our collective reality as well.
A honest examination of those ideas can only help to clarify what i really really believe in and want to continue to believe in.
Based on my best ability to discern between what is really experiential truth for me or what is simply something i would like to believe : )
I feel its a daunting task, even to express all of that in words – somehow adequately.
So i will just start spontaneously, without much editing to scan my inner world for the shapes of my believes:
I believe in the implicit unity of all things seen and unseen.
I believe that all beings and things in all dimensions and universes are expression of consciousness – the substance of all and everything – that we also call God.
I believe that God is All-That-Is and that God is also beyond that.
God is in all things created and equally beyond all creation.
I believe in God as immanent and transcendent.
I believe that there is absolutely nothing that is not God.
I believe we should not use the word God anymore because it has become so biased in many ways, kidnapped by various religions and made into a caricature of itself.
I would prefer to call God ‘The Divine Beyond Words’
I believe that the ‘The Divine Beyond Words’ is beyond the comprehension of even the finest human mind.
But it can be sensed directly in mystical experiences, refined meditative states and deep contemplation of the manifest reality.
I believe that it is not necessary to have a specific concept or philosophy about The Divine in order to have a direct experience of it.
I believe that the numerous Dimensions, Universes, Galaxies and so on are experimental creations of the Logis, who are dynamic extensions of infinite creative potential of The Divine.
I believe that the whole ‘Miracle of Creation’ is The Divine – who is in itself all possibilities – seeing itself mirrored by all that is created and will be created thru the free will inherent in the creative process.
I truly believe that i have only the faintest idea and sense of all of that. And actually don’t need to think too much about it ; D
But i do believe that all those universes, galaxies and star systems are inhabited by countless forms of conscious being, ETs or whatever we may call them.
I believe that the majority of those beings live in vibrational dimensions different from ours, so we may never be able to see them with our eyes.
I believe that we, the human beings live in a space-time quadrant that represents third and forth dimensional vibrations of consciousness and that our reality is based on principles and laws of duality, subject-object relationships and separation.
I believe that third dimensional vibration is a realm where consciousness looses its fluidity and ability to be conscious of itself as All-That-Is.
It is close to the point where consciousness crystalizes into rigid structures and solid forms.
I believe that all of us here are souls and we come from a realm where we are free to choose where we want to go, what we want to be and what task or challenge we want to set for ourselves.
I believe, that as souls we are naturally aware of the all-ness that we are a part of. But when we incarnate into the third dimensional vibration we quickly loose this awareness and – because of the influences from education and dualistic language – we identify more and more as individual personas separate from each other and from all there is.
I believe that because of the the low vibration of consciousness in our world we humans tend to make mistakes and repeat mistakes many times before we learn from the pain of experience.
I believe the Law of Karma (cause and effect) and repeated reincarnation cycles are the means to help us understand the Laws of Vibration, how to integrate dualistic viewpoints and elevate our individual consciousness’and therefore elevate the collective consciousness of humanity.
I believe that the importance of us humans in this drama – to move the collective consciousness from duality/separation to one-ness/unity – is greater than we can imagine and that it has cosmic implications (my guess : )
I believe that we are not just here to have a nice-enough life, two kids and a pension ; )
I believe that beyond the multitudes of lessons that we can learn here and skills and values we can master, there is one rare quality that holds the magic formula for this dimension:
Unconditional Love and Truth
I strongly believe that in the realization of this quality and by living it in everyday life on this planet we will contribute more than anything else to the elevation of the collective consciousness of humanity and of consciousness itself.
I am aware that this is a pretty bold statement. But this is what my heart clearly tells me and my life experience confirms it.
There is actually no greater realization to be reached as a human being than this one.
May i always just live up to that believe of mine!