“How can i become conscious of my belief system, is there a method for that?”
A dearest friend asked me that after reading my last post.
Well … i am sure there are some such methods that smarter-than-me psychologists have come up with.
For me, these kind of questions and reflections came naturally to me since i was sixteen or so.
Asking essential questions, contemplating and reflection on my life experiences always helped me to come up with more understanding.
Surely it is quite possible to live life and thats just it! To live day by day and never sit down and think about it. Thats not something bad in itself.
Never worked this way for me ; )
There have always been people who were not content with just living. Folks who stopped, looked around and asked themselves:
What is this, Life? What are we doing here? Where did we come from? Is there a meaning behind the day-to-day survival? Is there something beyond death?
And so on.
Those were the philosophers and metaphysics and religiously inclined people of the world.
But they are also you and me, because we all have an inborn need to have answers to all those questions.
Maybe its not so easy and straightforward to find authentic answers to those questions.
Maybe often we will give answers that we have been reading in some smart book or heard from the priests in our church, mosque or temple.
But in any case … it is helpful for living a good life to become conscious and clear about those core believes and values that we hold – more or less unconscious.
I guess it helps to read metaphysical and philosophical books and scriptures and discuss such topics with good friends.
Write down your thoughts and feelings that those questions bring up.
When we try to express an idea we often recognize that we don’t really know for sure.
Its the process, the journey of exploration that counts.
It also helps to ask and interview respected folks, people with a lot of life experience, Elders.
Here are a few questions, basic entry points for your inquiry :
– Is there some God, how do i imagine this ‘being’
– What is Consciousness
– How come the Universe is soooo big
– Are we alone in the universe
– What is Life
– Whats the meaning & purpose of Hu-man life
– Whats the ego
– Whats the Higher Self
– Is there a Soul
– What are my Values
– What do i think about all those Religions
– Is there Heaven & Hell
– Angels & Demons
– Extraterrestrial beings
– How do i feel about my Nationality
– Do i have a political ideology
– Can i make a difference in the world?
And so on…
Go ahead, happy exploration!
And its always possible to say a word or two in the COMMENTS.
I’d love to hear from you : )