[ the code is not optimized for phones, i suggest to watch the animations on a good computer ]
Can computers make works of art?
Can coders create art?
Can code put out something really beautiful?
And would this be real art?
No se!
Don’t know ; )
What is considered “real art” or what is merrily looking pretty, decorative or just simply somehow appealing to you … that’s a big question
I don’t know and I don’t care in the end, honestly!
For the last 20 years or so I have had phases off and on when I felt inspired to spend many exciting nights creating playful and “arty” pieces made from code with the Flash Actionscript, Javascript, p5js and Processing programming languages.
Really cool but good for nothing besides the joy and challenge of the creative process.
And that for me sums it up:
Art has to do with the process, the playful attempt to use any medium that I am familiar with and follow the process from an idea to a full and satisfying manifestation of the work.
That’s simple and that’s all and that’s good enough for me ; )
But for me it sure should look beautiful, aesthetic and you should feel that there is a spirit behind it, something unpredictable and alive.
Fortunately in recent years computers have become quite powerful ( at least mine has : ) and the programming languages very advanced, so what is possible is only limited to the level of my skills ( learning, growing ) and the opening to the mysterious space where infinite ideas come from (Spirit ; )
And – of course those results are only visible in the virtual world of the web, this wonderful “thing” that connects most of our human world.
World Wide Web.
[ But hey! we could also project them on big screens in an “art gallery” or even make high-priced NFTs from them and get super rich. ; ) ]
So I guess I’ll go on doing it, trying, learning, enjoying the creative drive, the flow.
But now, lets have a couple a “real artworks” 😎
This is undeniable pretty, beautiful to my eyes.
But to say that it is art …..
Surely not for me, because it is made by mathematic equations / algorithms.
A equation called a “Strange Attractor” combined with random variables produces unpredictable beauty in a chaotic system.
Always new outcomes when plotted out, like in this example.
For me, the art and the fun aspect is not in the outcome, not in the final picture but in the idea, the skillful coding of it.
In the end i don’t care too much about what “High Art” is or not.
High Art or Low Art or No Art, in the end i simply enjoy to create things that move in harmonious ways, beautiful unpredictability, surprising aesthetics …
Like this one:
Or simply playfulness and joy 😀
[ ps: Those “art-y” pieces here are just “sketches of ideas” and i did not take the time to optimize the programming for optimal performance.
If the animations are not running smoothly and are too demanding on your system resources, i apologize ; ) ]