I am counting my blessings
every day
i don’t even have to count
they are just always there
in my awareness
naturally as the breath
I am almost sixty-five
still feeling like forty
all the time
not just sometimes ; )
Nothing bothers me in my body
everything pretty much working
as it should
(except the teeth ; )
By some Grace of God
i have been following my intuition
and ended up in this lovely place in Costa Rica
where i can live a contemplative life
close to the earth
in tune with the elements.
To walk barefoot on warm sand,
this is a blessing.
To breath the pure air full of Prana,
float in the big big Pacific ocean
whenever i want to feel weightless,
this is a blessing!
To walk everywhere i want to go
on my own feet
taking in the environment
communicating with all that i encounter
saying hi to the birds, the monkeys
the horses and iguanas
the dogs and the people
that’s a blessing!
To live in a place
where (most) people are still friendly
and open with each other
where greeting and waving
and acknowledging each other
is not an exception
but rather the rule
where people have close family ties
and community support
and minds are not so sophisticated yet
not so over-civilized
not so confused,
thats a blessing too!
To live in a climate
where you don’t need much to put on
all year round a perfect temperature
a blue-sky endless summer
interrupted only by a daily warm rain
in the wet season
what better blessing could i ask for?
(i just love sun shining on brown skin : )
Talking of brown skin,
a lot of pretty young women
with lot of brown skin around
and not much on
most of the time
which is a blessing for my eyes
and my appreciation
of feminine beauty : )
On the bigger picture it is a blessing
to be able to live in a visionary country
that has abolished the military long time ago
that is committed to carbon-neutrality
that gets most of its energy
from renewable sources
already now.
It is an awesome exception in our world
to be able to live in a small country
that protects more than 25% of its land
by law and has 27 national parks, 58 wildlife refuges,
32 protected zones, 15 wetland areas/mangroves,
11 forest reserves and 8 biological reserves,
as well as 12 other conservation regions
that protect a unparalleled bio-diversity
of 10,000 species of plants and trees,
over 850 indigenous and migrant birds,
205 species of mammals,
over 35,000 species of insects,
160 species of amphibians,
220 species of reptiles,
and around 1,013 species of fresh and saltwater fish.
More simply said:
It is a blessing to live in a Garden-of-Eden-country
when most countries on earth exploit
and decimate their natural resources.
And although i am living in a little fishing village
off the beaten track,
my internet connection
is pretty speedy
and “almost” reliable
which is a true blessing!
Because much of my income
actually comes from work i do online
and also because many of my good friends
and my loved ones, they live in far-away lands.
I love some of the technological advancements
of 21. century instantaneous communication
and i guess i have mastered them to some extent.
I also manage to hold the dark side of these things in check,
which is a blessing as well!
(spam & ads, facebook & co & the hackers too ; )
I feel that i am blessed with an interest & education
in electronic engineering that i developed early on in my life
so i could always easily stay on top
of the latest developments
in this field
and also help folks and friends
when they need a helping hand
with those mysterious machines.
And one more “early-on” blessing
one that has had a lifelong impact throughout my adult life
has been my deep interest & search for all things spiritual
which led me to find my first guru/teacher
who initiated me to meditation.
Thru him i learned a lot about the many blessings
of a dedicated spiritual community & practice
and what it means to be called “premie”
which means to be a “lover of Love”.
And he also made me understand the meaning of
sat – chit -ananda
truth – consciousness – bliss
Those invaluable experiences led me on to develop my own brand of integral spirituality and my lifelong practice of Vipassana Meditation.
Without a doubt this has been & still is the greatest of many gifts that life has blessed me with.
Awareness & mindfulness has become the ground on which i stand
and the path on which i walk.
My work
to help people integrate
and unify all aspects of their life and personality
and align that with the soul …
To be able to inspire & support them in many ways
to wake up, to grow up
and to show up fully in life …
That lifts my life
beyond my self.
That i call the true blessing : )
what a blessing that is!
An ocean of it.
My iTunes music library
always expanding
to listen
to make my own sounds
Without a special few of them dear souls
it would be a great but lonely journey.
The Feminine
The Future
The Hope
Bless me
Om Tat Sat