How to Meditate
Its not complicated, i promise!
I will break it down into small chunks for easy digestion ; )
Rule Nr 1: Just Do It
(Thats the attitude ladies & gents, thats the attitude! ; )
Rule Nr 2: Sit
The classical position, if you can do that … : )
In any position, keep your back straight
But don’t do that !!!!!!
A straight chair (or wall) is totally ok:
Rule Nr 3: Breath
(… sorry, bad meditation joke : )
Rule Nr 4: Observe
Observe, but don’t follow your thoughts, sensations and impulses.
The trick is to observe and witness, don’t identify with it.
Noticing / Noting / pointing out the nature of the distraction is a very effective “trick”.
Rule Nr 5: Focus on body sensations
Easier than observing the thoughts, keeps you in the here and now.
Rule Nr 6: Always come back to the breath
It is not important whatever has distracted you. Just return to feel the sensation of your relaxed inhaling and exhaling.
Rule Nr 7: If you don’t like rules,
forget them and Just Do It ; )
I guess that I have been very lucky, because I had the privilege to find a meditation master when i was 20.
And meditation has been the one activity and experience and practice that accompanied me all through my adult life.
The one constant that helped me thru all the changes and challenges and ups and downs of existence.
So, i consider myself lucky.
You can be lucky too : )
Just Do It!
In the next article i will go into more detail (And try my best to be more serious, for a change ; )
>> How to meditate – A bit more seriously this time <<