It has always been a secret hobby of mine to observe the world events, political shifts, sociological trends, the cutting-edge developments in technology and the trends and memes going on in the world wide web of the internet.
I do this to get a feeling for whats up in the world and where the ship is heading.
Sometimes that’s a tough job to do, looking at the big mess we humans are creating on this beautiful planet.
For me this is not depressing because i apply a soft focus, not to get caught up on the details of the mess ; )
I rather look for patterns, trends, movements, developments, vectors.
I want to get a clear sense of what’s going on in the outer world and try to bring that into correlation with my intuitive knowing about the potential of humanity and the future of it all.
Lately there are several things that really stick out for me, developments that i find interesting.
Curious what you think about that!
1) The sudden downfall of many powerful man, public figures who thought that they are entitled to treat women as objects and can continue to express sexist, predatory and otherwise brutish behavior towards females because of their position, status, power, money … or simply because of their god-given male superiority.
And this downfall is now happening so abruptly because women started to come out and declare publicly:
That’s enough already!
We don’t accept this anymore!
We will not submit to that any longer!
I would call it the “Uprising of the Goddess” and “The Divine Feminine declaring the end of patriarchy & male domination”.
Well, it is high time and i applaud to that : )
2) The rise of right-wing populist political parties in many democratic countries and the deepening division of the population into opposing camps.
Hate speech on the internet forums, conscious spreading of false information, populist politicians promising anything to get more votes, blaming, shaming and trolling opponents and using scapegoats to blame for everything that is wrong in society.
All this kinds of shitty things going on in the political arena every day – amplified by the mass media and social networks – is sowing confusion, frustration and division and drawing out nasty, fundamentalist reaction from people.
It is hard for me to stomach that and still see what it could mean on a bigger scale.
I guess that the end of democracy as we used to know it is near.
This great model of governing society has done its job and now it is time for something new, something more advanced and inclusive to come.
What this could be?
Well, you tell me please … !
; D
3) The decline of the www, the world wide web of the internet into a marketing machine, a supermarket of every junk possible, a Basar where everyone shouts: “Look here!”, “Buy me!”
Nowadays advertisement is everywhere on the web, hidden or brazenly obvious wanting your clicks and three seconds of your attention span.
Every possible smart technology and design trick is used to maximize selling a product, lure you into something, convince you of something.
Mostly for the sake of making a Dollar or two …
What started out as a incredible promise and possibility of sharing and democratizing knowledge and make the collective wisdom of humanity easily available for everyone, has now become an endless source for marketing, theft, spreading false information & junk, addicting kids to games and social networks … and basically reducing the attention span of people to the level of monkeys.
(Sorry monkeys, no offense ; )
I guess we would need a new fresh internet of a tough Internet Quality Policeman with a big stick! (just kidding : )
4) The fast rise of advanced technology in the areas of Computer Deep Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence.
The recent advancements in the field of A.I. are truly astonishing and are bringing us closer to the things we used to read about in SciFi novels or watch in Science Fiction movies.
Now those very things are right around the corner!
Huge halls full of robots building cars super effectively with very few humans involved in the process.
Self-driving cars that promise to be much safer than human-driven cars could ever be. (No more drink&drive, sms&drive, smartphone-on-your-shoulder&drive, sex&drive … )
Fleets of autonomous trucks delivering the goods all by themselves, powered by electricity. (no more pollute&drive : )
Huge cloud-based artificial intelligence computer clusters that learn to perform the most complex tasks all by themselves. And become better and better in their performance the more data they get.
A.I. programs that compete against and train and teach each other to optimize performance.
A.I. programs that can develop new and more efficient A.I. programs all by themselves .
A.I. programs are already better than the best of humans in playing the most complex board game people have ever invented: Chinese GO.
This means that A.I. programs are now able to simulate something that only humans are supposed to have:
All the big technology companies now are investing countless millions into the development of A.I., i guess to secure their market share.
And this run for the money is done without much ethical considerations or oversight.
I don’t pretend to understand the details of all of that, but my gut feeling tells me that from here on it is only a question of time until the whole huge network of computers and data centers become self-conscious and reach the Singularity event. The birth of a super intelligence, as it was predicted again and again. And also warned about by forward looking thinkers.
Well, i suppose now would be the right time for us to sit down and reflect a little.
To think hard and deep about technology and how humanity should use all those advancing technologies.
Into whose hands should the keys to the palace be given?
Technology – the blessing and a curse of civilization.
Especially the application of this kind of technology will be a crucial point.
Now why am i even considering all of that and what are my conclusions for myself?
I think that technology is neutral for the most part. It can and has helped humans all along to make life on earth more convenient. Tools that might empower us. From the discovery of the wheel to the development of personal computers, all those things can enable us to do many things we could not do without them.
The question always remains if i am using a tool constructively for the benefit of my creativity and service to society or in destructive and self serving ways.
And nowadays there is a crass imbalance obvious between technological advancements and effort and money that goes into it on the one side and the development of ethics and standards of character and responsibility on the other side.
I feel that in the long run we will not survive here as long as all our resources and time and effort is focussed on the external, the technical and technological advancement.
What humans beings need now is deep and holistic education and free and comprehensive information.
What we need is a focus on the development of inner values, of ethics and positive character traits.
A non-religious and inclusive spirituality that is more than a hobby, but rather the base of all our life expressions.
I think there is another kind of technology inside of us waiting, tools that are more awesome as any computer or machine can simulate.
We have not even accessed 10% of our brain capacity.
And then there are all those super-natural abilities, possibilities like telepathy (no more iPhones ! ), teleportation (no more airplanes), bilocation (no more long-distance-relationships), telekinesis (no more … ; ) and so on.
Subtle energy work, distant healing, remote viewing, intuitive knowing, astral travel, clairvoyant sight and so on. Those are countless areas only a minute percentage of humans have ever discovered and those abilities developed to a certain extent.
And still, all of this is our birthright, inborn abilities waiting to be discovered and recovered.
And then – still further on – there is the spiritual realm, the realm of Soul and Essence, God.
I guess we should really not wait for the next generation of iPhones to bring humanity the enlightenment and everlasting peace and happiness.
Lets look somewhere else for answers.