[ this page is still a work in progress]
[ the code is not optimized for phones, i suggest to watch the animations on a good computer ]
[ anyway … enjoy this labour of love ]
give a child some paper
and a few color pens
and the kid will
create something nice
give me a computer
and a code editor
and I will
something ; )
[ to doodle: to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else or when you are bored ]
[ to code: to write precise instructions for a computer to make it perform a certain task (in my case, the code is in javascript language and processing ]
Just like children I love it when things move
The more hypnotic the better : )
Take some time
Let yourself be hypnotized
It is all a Childs play
[ click on the doodles and hold to make them come alive ]
[ click on it ]
[ splash on a Jackson Pollock-ish piece of art ; ) ]
[ draw some lines … ]
[ Start drawing a “face” (click & drag). One or two lines are enough. The smart doodler code will pick up on it and complete the face … Kind of ; ) And try endless variations]
[ “Clear” to start a new baby artwork ]
[ ps: Those “Doodles” and scribbly pieces here are just “sketches of ideas” and i did not take the time to optimize the programming for optimal performance.
If the animations are not running smoothly and are too demanding on your system resources, i apologize ; ) ]