Existential Crisis – Early 2019, reflections & poems

New year / New day


A New Year

a new day

and all seems just the same


people go to and fro

the coffee tastes good

life goes on



and still

most are not aware that we stand on the brink

that the edge is close by

the slippery slope


most of us are not aware

or do not want to know

or simply deny

the facts


that things will never be the same

from a certain point onwards

and that this point

has come


The United States Climate Report says it bluntly

and in very specific scientific terms:

we are fucked


But still

life goes on

Trump is lying as usual

and denying his own agencies findings

and rolling back environmental protections laws

one after the next


Life goes on

business as usual

wildfires are burning out of control

coral reefs are bleaching until they are dead

and the Greenland glaciers are melting with record speed

together with the rest of them all around


Did i mention the oceans rising

some island nations already looking for a new home

did i mention the Amazonian rainforest been cut down rapidly

did i mention species extinction every day of this new and virgin year?


No, i don’t need to mention all of that

because it is well known

and reported about

by the media


But did i mention

that the media is under attack too

given a bad bad name > the Fake News

by the likes of Mr Donald T. and his enablers

or given prison or the death sentence by other regimes

for reporting the facts


It all sounds bleak

but its a fact and its a trend

driven by the likes of Trump, the demagogues

the populists, the autocrats in position of power, the presidents

the next potential Hitlers


I am not kidding

the list is long and spans the globe already

their rise has been surprising and nobody did see it coming

Trump in the US, Modi in India,  Widodo in Indonesia, and Bolsonaro in Brazil

Duterte in the Philippines, Urban in Hungary, Ortega in Nicaragua, Putin in Russia

Erdogan in Turkey, Maduro in Venezuela … even Berlusconi wants to get back to power in Italy


And i did not even mention Africa or China or former CCCP nations in the East

or the many faceless populist political movements that are pressing for a seat in government

like it is already the “New Normal” in good old Austria

Just check the facts, if you have a good enough stomach for that kind of shit


Well, i know, its just a bit too much to come along with the morning coffee

Sorry! ; )


But why do i even mention the big bad wolf

Hitler, may he not rest in peace!


This phrase comes to my mind:

“Migrants are the new Jews”


They are the perfect target for the popular discontent and anger

and they are the perfect vehicle for populist authoritarian leaders of the way to power

And they are coming, the migrants, nothing can stop that wave

the more the suppression and upheaval and economic deprivation goes on in their countries

the more this spiral will accelerate in speed and numbers

and so on …


“Why am i so negative today?”, you may ask.


Yes why am i?


I did not get off on the wrong foot

I have slept well

meditated …


But hey! this is where all this started

This is where i opened my eyes to all of that

in a flash!


Maybe i should stop meditating ; )


But now that i said all that i don’t want to leave you without some perspective

my perspective

the way i deal with it:


– Meditate deeper, ground myself in the unchangeable Ground of Being

– Understand that governments come and go, empires rise and fall, trends and fashions are just a blink of an eye

– Be passionately informed with the best information the internet has to offer

– Think for yourself, think long and hard, develop an opinion about everything and the rest

– Speak up, make your opinion heard wherever, whenever

– Confront people, make them think, make a difference

– Become political, run for president ; )

– Don’t forget the great weapon:


Cosmic humor





The Blessed Life


The blessed life

is not the easy life

is not the convenient

and comfortable


The blessed life

is the challenging life

the one that loosens up

all the boundaries

that pushes the limits

that takes you beyond

of what you think you are


We all live in the dream – more or less

the dream of form

of a defined identity

distinguished from the rest

separated for the The All and The One


We believe that that’s it

and we know no other way than that


And if we strive

we learn and grow

and we can become

a good and even great individual

a real respectable person


Blessed is the life

that pushes us

beyond that


Blessed is True Love

for it does just that


And then

there is

no way






Why is it?

Why is it

that murder novels

are on the top of the bestseller lists

and not Rumi

and not Krishnamurti

and not Saint John of the Cross?


Why is it

that the hero of today

are firefighters or people in sports

or insanely successful CEOs


Why is it

that the saints, the world teachers, the mystics

are only a mere 0.000001% of the world population

the exception to the rule, the Abnormality

and the rest of us is called Normal


Why is it

that nobody anymore is leaving everything

to go to the Himalayas in search for Ultimate Truth?


Why are humans

so distracted

so content

so busy

with just about everything else

but the ultimate meaning of being alive


Why is it, that humanity is just moving on and on and on

without any real sense of direction?





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