Its just a Figure of Speech:
“To loose your life to the Sea”
Also called:
Meeting your Ancestors
Going to Heaven
Moving on to the next Dimension
Leaving your Body
Kicking the Bucket ; D
Or simply: To die
Well, all the same
you are gone
and your body is left here
for a certain time
to degenerate
and you as a person
might live on in memory
inside the people who loved you
in one way or another
“To loose your Life to the sea”
is just a figure of speech
about a matter of Life or Death
=> ergo, some serious matter ; D
Well, honestly i can see a lot of good things
in “to loose my life to the sea”
Happy, lighthearted things
that make me smile
For starters, it sounds much better to my ears
than, lets say: “To loose my life to a car or a truck or a roadside bomb”
or to the ubiquitous cancer or heart attack
that is so much in fashion these days
Or old age. Barely able to walk without oxygen tank
not to mention walk at all
remember a thing, still knowing my own name ; D
and so on
just be finished
so many ways
to kiss my sweet self goodbye
So of all the many options to leave
i have always favored the idea
of giving my body over to the sea
when i feel that my time is coming
Find a nice beach
Swim out
Never to return
No funeral needed
No heavy gravestones
No dark dresses
Only Happiness
among my loved ones
who know
that i have done it
the way i wanted to do it
Have returned my body to the waters
that birthed me
my body returned to the elements
of his origins
And Me?
Well … why all this talk about death and such?
Because today in Barrigona i have come close to this situation
just not exactly because i have chosen it
After a glorious day i went into the water
one last time to cool off
Big waves, yes
Full moon making them stronger
Diving thru them to get
Further out
Into calmer waters
But waves coming faster and faster
Tumbling me up and down
And all around
Sucking me under
And straight into the next one
Hardly enough time
To catch a breath
I knew that i am in trouble
Relax boy! Relax the panic!
Breath, take your time to orientate
Use the currents
Use your body as surfboard
Let the waves carry you
towards the shore
And yes! It worked, it worked!
But even close to shore
the back-drift of the water was so strong
it just sucked me back out
Again and again
Till finally one big enough wave delivered me
gasping onto the muddy sand
Smiling, twinkling
she said:
“See! I am awesome power”
“And i will wait for you”
And i was grateful for that
because my time
has not yet come!
Still there is a lot to do here
Lots of good things
Lots that i wish to do
be4 the Big Swim