
I feel truly grateful
for a lot of things.
Yes i do.

When the bank machine
gives me money,
I say “Thank You!”.

With gratitude
I think of all the people
who made this possible to happen.

And greet them inside.

And I say “Thank You!”.

And with the cashier in the supermarket
i try my best to get thru to her
with a grateful smile.

I want her to feel that i am thankful for her service. And for having a supermarket in the first place.

I know that’s not so easy, always ; )

But hey!
The sun is shining.
Who has ever thanked her for that?
And the rain.

And the awesome clouds at sunset!

And who has thanked life
for going on and on
for giving us life
no matter

Yep, thank you LIFE
for that and all,
and the rest.

And if there would be a God
i would sing to her
of gratitude

Thank you my God
for all that you gave me today.
Thank you OMG : )
for all you will give me today.

What can i give back to you?
Everything that I’ve got
belongs already to you.

Belongs already to you.


Anyway ;  )



They sure sound grateful for plenty of food! :  )



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