Hahaha …. (Jokes and laughter and kidding around)

Hahaha (Jokes and laughter and kidding around)


Jokes and laughter and kidding around

That’s how a little happiness can be found

Where lightheartedness and joy abound

I really enjoy to be there



Children can do that

For hours on end 

Carefree and silly 

They roll in the sand


And now I must tell you

Now I must confess

I was never so carefree, never so cool

When I tried to be silly

I felt like a fool



….. But now I must stop

With all all of that rhyme

Because more and more

It feels like a crime





This was a joke! 

A Cris-tries-too-hard-to-write-a-poem-in-rhyme-kind-of-a-joke :  ) 










… as always, this is a work in progress (but it already helps against the CoronaBlues ;  )


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