Sorry to disturb you in your busy life
Sorry to disrupt your sleep
Sorry to remind you
of some very
I know you have enough to do to bring food on the table
to care for your kids, to do your work well
and generally live a decent life
I know, because i am doing the same
trying to live a decent life
with values, ethics
with humanity
and such
But still, i can’t sleep soundly anymore
i can’t pretend that i am not aware of what’s up
i can’t anymore escape into spiritual and metaphysical answers
The facts are too strong to ignore
the alarm bells are too loud
the news coming in too fast now
we can not put off this issue anymore
just because we have our own full priority list
I know i will be long dead and gone by the time Lower Manhattan will be permanently under water
and Bangladesh, many Pacific islands, Amsterdam and all the other cities by the ocean
will be part of the ocean, underwater places …
I know i will be gone and i will not be bothered by the millions of climate change migrants who will be flooding in everywhere from the most affected parts of the world, the parts that will have become uninhabitable because of the droughts, the wildfires, the rising seas, the scarcity of basic foodstuff
I know – or at least i think i know – that it will still take a couple of more decades until all those horror scenarios will play out on every evenings news …
But maybe not?
Maybe it will come much faster than we think …
The glaciers melting
The earth hitting back on humankind …
Right now we are confused i guess
unsure what to do personally
unsure where to turn to
for solutions
We rather leave it up to our children to go on strike
We rather let a little 16 year old girl do the taking to the politicians …
… to scold them and berate them under tears
We rather go about our daily life
just as nothing serious would be happening …
But – as this girl Greta tells the EU assembly – the house is already burning!!!
And obviously the people in power, the politicians are not doing more than polite applause and some lip service to the children.
Or rather not even that, just ignore them.
Talk about more important things.
Brexit, the next election, the lies of the leader of the most powerful nation on earth …
Honestly, i don’t really know what to do myself, what action might have any impact.
I already live a minimal impact lifestyle.
I already talk about this things where ever i can.
Well, i guess i will continue!
Disturb your busy life with my rants ; )
PS: If you are still interested, i suggest to watch this newest documentary by Sir David Attenborough of the BBC London, that came out just a few days ago: “Climate Change: The Facts”
Climate Change – The Facts – ((hvfsd)) from mr mackenzie on Vimeo.