I have realized a few things during the last few days on the beach.
One of them went really deep.
While listening to a bit from “Conversations with God – Book 3”.
Where God says to Neil Donald Walsh, the writer of this transmission:
While i have been – more or less – struggling to establish myself professionally here in Samara to be able to survive, i have been very quiet about the reasons why i moved to Costa Rica in the first place.
And only shared the Vision that motivated me and keeps me going in the face of hardships & obstacles with a very few people….
So i feel its time to put it all out in the open.
Because this Vision is the most important thing for me.
And i promised to dedicate the remainder of my life here on earth to this Vision….
So please read on if you resonate with this kind of thing – VISION – that does not come from the mind.
And if you find it just funny pipe-dreams, please, respectfully simply forget about it ; D
The vision/download that i got in spring of 2015 has two aspects, an outer and one inner level:
Agape Institute:
Agape Institute is envisioned as a Research Institute and Residential Intentional Community of Advanced Spiritual Healers & Teachers of Unity Consciousness.
At the same time the Institute shall provide Healing Services and Teaching to the general public of Costa Rica as well as to international guests.
Research will be done into areas of:
Unity Consciousness, Oneness, Soul, Group Consciousness, Telepathy, Vibrational Ascension.
Synchronicity, Parallel Realities, Laws of Manifestation, “Miracles”, Light Nutrition.
Meditation, Mindfulness, Art & Beauty as expression of Soul, Communion with Nature, Interspecies Communication.
Spiritual Healing, Quantum Healing, Empathic Healing, Pranic Healing, Aura Clearing, Channeling.
Past Life Clearing, Systemic Pattern Release, Shadow Integration, Alignment of Personality & Soul.
The Institute as it is envisioned would be unique at this moment in time.
It is envisioned that a maximum of 13 people would participate and live full time on the property of the Institute.
The property that houses this Institute shall be one of Simple Luxury, High Quality, Beauty, Naturalness.
Fully integrated in the Abundance of Nature.
Organic building design and ecologic aspects shall be observed.
Ideally it should be located in a tropical forest close to the ocean, preferable in close proximity to a secluded beach.
Questions of ownership or legal status of the Institute are still emerging amongst a group of prospective members.
The structure of this Institute shall be based on Spiritual Principles of Service, Unconditionality and Truth.
The Inner – core – level of the Institute is envisioned as a new and futuristic form of community – Soul/Unity based Comm-unity:
The wePod
The PolyFamily
The Promise of Unity
lived in everyday reality
with a few – perhaps 13 – courageous souls
people who are ready to go into The Deep End
in their Exploration
of the Next Level of Comm-Unity
Boldly shedding all the concepts,
models & structures,
and archetypes
of the past about
money, food & sex
about survival, security, family children, education
about couples
about love
about what a family is
and how a society is structured and build from it all …
Since there is no Blueprint existing, no real model of 5Dimensional Living,
we will have to be like the explorers of old:
putting the Ship into The Unknown Waters,
put up our Best&Biggest Sail,
set the Course to Clear West
and GO!
Our Compass is clearly set on LOVE,
Unconditional Love and TRUTH,
Such clear & aligned course will naturally trigger all individual hangups
and organically remove & release all residues of fear in each individual member of the Pod
The way to handle such intensity is to live strictly In The NOW PRESENCE all the time!
Ready to process anything and anyone at any time
This process is never an end in itself, but rather a ForPlay, a Preamble for the REAL FUN
Thru the collective opening of all areas of fear, possessiveness, jealousy, insecurity, dependency, co-dependency, control, delusion and illusion, a collective field appears of RADICAL TRANSPARENCY
Deep Empathy, Knowing, Support, Accountability, Presence and Dedication to Each Other results NATURALLY
This is the “we” of the “POD”
that is paradoxically not different or separate from the “I” of its members
Everybody is the I, the Eye of the Other ONE
Empowerment of the Individual in the context of the Group-Unit is another result of this deeply transformational process
Self-Realization and Self-Determination follows like the day follows the night
When all restrictions and rules are released in this dedicated context, deep INTEREST and CURIOSITY in the Other-ness appears
and EROS, the Playful Exploration of Each Other can begin
EROS, the Juice of the World is ever present when Sexuality is released from limiting concepts
and can flow naturally as a current between the people
lived outwardly in responsive and responsible ways
or transmuted inwardly or collectively into higher levels of BLISS, UNION & CREATIVITY
It is the fire at the bottom of it all
The FIRE needed to burn high and bright
the fuel to lift the ship up
from the ground of what is known
What governs the ship?
What will prevent the Chaos & Randomness to take over?
“When Two or More are gathered in My Name, I will be among them”
This was supposedly Jesus speaking, But i feel it was the Christ Consciousness he was referring to,
the Spirit of Love & Truth, the UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS of the FIFTH DIMENSION,
In Soul Level, You Are Another Me
and I Am You as well
How i treat you, so i treat myself
Naturally an Natural Ethic without rules emerges, a completely Fluid Knowing of Right Behavior,
a Spontanious Flow
Moment by Moment
Sitting in Silence Together will be the tool & the joy of the days
Communication in telepathic ways will occur naturally thru the merging and surrendering of identities
Ideas will open up & guidance from the spirit realm of our higher dimensions/selves will flood in and provide the framework for all practical action
The “Empty Center” of the wePod will naturally prevent individual ego trips & excess
Because of the constant ATTUNEMENT to and PRESENCE OF SPIRIT, the activities of the Pod, this unified field will be put into SERVICE for a GREATER GOOD, for a bigger task than the Pod itself
THE WORK most probably will be in Telepathic, Supra-mental levels of Manifestation of new structures for the new emerging society
There will be constant and numerous collaborations & co-creation activities with numerous groups all over the planet and beyond ; D
All this “Work” is appearing effortlessly and playfully from the flow of joyful & spontaneous interaction inside the WePod
Ambitions, pressure, stress, strain & such are no more reality, no more needed to get things done
Synchronicity & Attune-ment
Resonance & Harmonic Overtones
are daily signs of the Miracle that is occurring!