Isn’t it strange
that only on very few occasions we ask ourselves the question:
“Hey, what’s going on here, actually?”
We, the 7.7 billion people here on earth live our vastly different personal life inside the frameworks of our respective cultures and places .
But still, most of us process very similar basic emotions and feelings (love, fear …), react in very similar ways to certain stimuli (fight or flight …) and try our best to satisfy our very similar basic needs (shelter, food, sex, belonging …).
And – yet on an even more basic level – we all share more or less the same basic “machine” (brain/mind ; ) that allows us to do all the above and even makes us capable of making some sense of it all.
So, i would argue that we are all pretty well equipped to ask some essential questions about our very existence.
For example:
– Why is it, that most of us spend almost all the years of our adult life focussed on and reacting to our “outer life”?
– Why is it that we spend hardly any and effort to find out, how we / our mind / personality / soul actually works?
– Who “we” actually are?
– How our personality actually came about and how we became so totally identified with it?
– Why our personal life actually turned out to be how it is?
– How “reality” works
– How our “I” – the one that actually perceives all of it like a person in a dark movie theater perceives a movie on the screen – stays almost always unrecognized in the dark.
– Who the “I” actually is?
I strongly believe that to ask ourself such questions might lead to fundamental realizations, understandings that may lead to answers for the many problems that now plaque humanity.
On personal as well as collective levels.
What ya think about that?