Let us talk a little about: Selflessness / Altruism
Uff, such a couple of un-trending words!!!
Uff, who wants to hear about that.
Not really the stuff of Instagram feeds, right?
This here is certainly not a world & time for such words.
Even a guy like Jesus would have a hard time nowadays to make a dent, right?
Wrong, i would say.
With conviction!
Our world has never been more in need of such a people, folks who embody such uncommon traits.
Or at least aspire to those qualities.
Who are those people and how do i recognize them???
Here a few hints that i have figured out:
– They rarely talk about their own problems at length if not specifically asked. Or focus a conversation mainly on their own achievements or experiences.
Even as they may be being rather self-reflective and also more than capable of sharing their inner life, such people show more interest in how the other one is doing, feeling and thinking.
So its usually pretty therapeutic to be in a dialogue with such a person and in the end you may leave her/him more inspired and energetically elevated.
Altruistic people rarely discuss their own problems to prevent their friends and families from worrying too much about them. They don’t hog conversations by going on about themselves. They stay very much true to their character of putting others first.
– They usually tend to think of others first
My mother was such a person. To her fault, i used to think when i was young. But now that i am old i can clearly see what she embodied: empathy, compassion, giving-ness, a general kindness and positivity towards people. And so i am eternally thankful that she gave me a role model for such a spiritual attitude.
She always had a good word for others when my father used to rant about this person or that. And tried to see things from their perspective, tried to put herself in their shoes.
At the table as in life, she always served herself last, always making sure everyone had what they needed before she took care of her own needs. (Which – i must say – drove me crazy at times)
– They are naturally humble and don’t take themselves all that serious
Selfless people have no exaggerated sense of self-importance; they’re so down to earth that they treat others the same way they’d treat themselves or their family. They’re not at the center of their own little bubble in the universe; instead, their bubble extends to and includes everything around them.
Very often they express a astonishing amount of humor about themselves and about the flaws of other people.
Without trying to downplay the facts.
And always ready to give some impulses and ideas for betterment and improvement.
I guess that is a sign of real wisdom.
– They are naturally gifted givers
Spiritual literature is full of stories of saints and such holy people who were ready to give their last shirt if they saw someone in need.
Surely we don’t need to go to that level of altruism.
But in our time and in a world obsessed with the (Ego)self, with “America First” or this and that first and the others shall go to hell, a world where the top 1 percent are having more than the rest of the 7 billion inhabitants of this planet, it is really heartwarming to see some billionaire pledging to give it all away for the good of the whole in her/his lifetime.
But the giving attitude starts really with you and me and single dollar notes of even Cents.
And giving is not about money necessarily, but everything, actually.
Time, stuff, money, attention, affection, hugs, listening, tenderness, practical help, love….
– They always consider how their actions affect others
Such kind of old souls know about the laws of karma, of cause and effect and all such things.
They know that every single act we do and actually every thought and emotion we send out has an effect on everything. Humans, animals, plant, the collective consciousness, Gaia.
So they are deeply aware of the responsibility that every single person carries for the wellbeing of The Whole, All That Is.
Selfless people are also empathetic, and so it’s vital for them not to hurt others through their actions.
They are amongst the pacifists, tho ones protesting the National Riffle Association ; ), nuclear bombs, landmines and all that shit. They would not want to touch a gun with a stick, i guess : )
Not to hurt obviously means the environment as well, not to exploit nature and all.
And also often they seem to be aware of the “seven generation principle”, that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.
Woooo! thats quite an attitude ; )
And pragmatic wisdom.
– And such serious wisdom is not necessarily make those people dead serious ideological people.
But often they seem to be quite witty and easygoing individuals who enjoy to engage in spontaneous acts of random kindness and senseless beauty…
Fun & inspiring folks to be around, thats for sure.
ps: i suggest we should change the term self-lessness into ego-lessness, i guess thats much more accurate.
pps: in case i have not mentioned all the attributes that can help to identify such nice folks, please feel free to add some in the commentary section down below.