In the face of all of that mad madness
Lets not be silent
Lets not be passive
Lets stand up
Lets answer with hope
Lets answer with compassion
Lets answer with kindness
Lets answer with insight
Lets answer with clarity
Lets answer with discernment
Lets answer with wisdom
Lets answer with vision
Lets answer with creativity
Lets answer with pragmatism
Lets answer with inclusiveness
Lets answer with intuition
Lets answer with dialog
Lets answer with honesty
Lets answer with warmth
Lets answer with dignity
Lets answer with openness
Lets answer with integrity
Lets answer with gentleness
Lets answer with beauty
Lets answer with poesy, poetry
Lets answer with pictures
Lets answer with art
Lets answer with Presence
Lets answer with Forgiveness
Lets answer with Love
let´s answer with our souls