Like the ocean,
the human heart
is endless
It is deep, mysterious
and we have no idea,
really, what it
can do
Usually we barely
scratch its surface,
like surfers, we are
only concerned
with the waves
Only sometimes,
rarely, we loose
the balance
and we fall
into love
And the deeper we
fall, the deeper
we are changed
And of course, it is
still only the waves
that we experience
But anyway – we are
already submerged,
drenched in love
Still coughing for air,
fighting for control,
desperate to maintain
… identity
Love is the deep of
the sea,
the mysterious,
the unknowable,
the Deep Blue
Its essence
dissolves Identity,
Its water-like power
removes all boundaries,
Its unifying principle
is the end of separation
Read Rumi if you don’t believe me,
read Hafiz, read Theresa of Avila,
read the Persian mystics and the Christian mystics,
read the Hindu mystics
There you will find the same willingness
to dissolve, to give up the sense of a
separate existence in exchange for the
endless bliss of Unity
Like the deep blue sea
our own bodies
are mostly just water
Like the essence
of all and everything
our hearts are
just Love