mankind ….. my, oh my!!!
getting to know more about history
just a little bit is enough
that it becomes very obvious
which forces are driving mankind
especially the menfolk of mankind
and even more so, the white male
greed for more and more and even more
power over others, dominance
and the never sleeping lust
for sex
i don’t say that from a moral or religious high ground
just to state the facts as i see them
and to acknowledge
that i am disgusted
unbelievable slaughter and cruelties
ongoing all the way from Genghis Khan
and everything in between
and the plans are already drawn up for a Space Force
to bring weapons up there into the sky
my oh my!
what for???
what to do and will it ever stop?
the temptation is great, really great to look away
to think the past is gone and the atrocities of today
are far away from our – mostly – comfortable life
but i don’t want that
don’t want to look away
and retreat into my private blissful castle
i will continue to look and witness my kind ….. mankind
i allow my heart to break over it
maybe this helps
a little