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Itinerary / a map & overview / shortcuts to specific chapters
- Nature
- Humans
- Mind
- The Spectrum of Consciousness and the place of the Mind in it.
- The Role of the Mind
- Some well known Tools to master the Mind
- The Great Silence
- The Descent of Supramental Consciousness
- The Role of Inner Silence in the Process of Supramental Transformation
- Practical Approaches to Cultivating Inner Silence
- The Descent of the Supramental Consciousness
- Implications of the Descent of the Supramental Consciousness
- Conclusion
- Postscript
Itinerary / a overview
shortcuts to specific chaptersx
- Nature
- Humans
- Mind
- The Spectrum of Consciousness and the place of the Mind in it.
- The Role of the Mind
- Some well known Tools to master the Mind
- The Great Silence
- The Descent of Supramental Consciousness
- The Role of Inner Silence in the Process of Supramental Transformation
- Practical Approaches to Cultivating Inner Silence
- The Descent of the Supramental Consciousness
- Implications of the Descent of the Supramental Consciousness
- Conclusion
- Postscript
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Nature, the Mind & the Great Silence beyond
If we speak of nature, we usually think of the birds and the bees and the fishes in the seas. And waterfalls and forests and beautiful spring meadows full of flowers and the wilderness of rainforests and jungles. And all the rest.
Without getting to philosophical here or linguistic, let me just invite you to look at the pictures below, and you will know what I mean.
But when I talk of nature, it is the Nature with the capital N that i am thinking of.
Not only our biosphere, the ecosystem of out sweet and cosy Planet Earth.
Nature also means the fiery volcanos spitting lava and monstrous-looking creatures of the deep seas. Also the most poisonous snakes and ferocious crocodiles of Costa Rica are part of it.
And the impossible-for any-biologic-life-to survive conditions on any one of the other members of our solar system ….
They are Nature as well.
For me, Nature, in the broadest sense, is the physical world or universe. “Nature” can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The universe that includes all of space, and all the matter and energy that space contains.
Sometimes this realm is referred to as the Third Dimension of Space. And everything in it is governed and altered by the Forth Dimension of Time.
Obviously that’s a big big “thing”.
And an old, old “thing”.
13.8 Billion of years old, if we want to believe our best scientists and cosmologists. This is when they say The Big Bang happened.
In this moment when the universe began, matter, energy, space, and time came into existence in a dense fireball that exploded. The cooling debris from this “explosion” eventually formed nebulas, galaxies, planets and Earth.
Earth formed about 4.54 billion years ago, when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust together from a large cloud of material around the young sun. As the proto-Earth grew, collisions with other planets, asteroids, and dust particles caused it to grow larger. Heavier elements sank to the center to form the core, while lighter elements rose to the surface.
And about 3.5 billion years ago the biosphere started to develop on the baby-Earth.
The biosphere’s earliest life-forms, called prokaryotes, survived without oxygen. Ancient prokaryotes included single-celled organisms such as bacteria and archaea.
Everything alive today on Earth derives from a single common ancestor known affectionately as LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor).
Believe it or not, all of Nature on Earth comes from Luca. And Luca was not even a “he” or a “she”, but a single cell organism replicating by cell division.
Some kind of hermaphrodite I guess, but what do I know about all of that ; )
Anyway, besides all this kidding around about how all-encompassing Nature actually is, for me it all boils down to one simple fact.
It is the most awesome and beautiful and frightening piece of art possible. Just to contemplate its myriad of forms and variation here on Earth makes one feel humble.
Look here, what i am talking about:
From the microscopic cellular organism swimming in the waters to the biggest mountains and global ecosystems Nature is constantly growing and changing and living and becoming.
In organic ways.
In ingenious ways.
In astounding ways.
Never a straight line you’ll see!
Not a nail, not a screw!
What kind of genius mind may be behind all of that?
What divine artist?
I don’t know, not for sure.
But of one thing I am sure:
I am a fan!
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And then at some point, very late in the 13.8 Billion years of this Game of Nature, we came into the picture!
El Hominin.
Hominins first appeared on Earth around 6 million years ago during the Miocene epoch, which ended about 5.3 million years ago. The earliest known genus of the human lineage is Ardipithecus, which lived between 5.8 and 4.4 million years ago.
After a long process of evolution, natural selection or whatever – trial & error – around 300.000 years ago Humans (Homo sapiens) or modern humans entered the scene in Africa.
You and me, practically.
I guess this was a big moment!
But ….
I suspect something pretty significant happened already much earlier!
An 💡 out of nowhere!
And Mind was born.
Kind of 🙄
Now, here we are. A few years later.
A lot of 💡great new ideas, a lot of brilliant inventions.
New tools, new toys, lots of new ideas to create new things.
All thanks to our ever evolving mind.
What have we done to Nature?
What have we done to Earth?
What have we done with this awesome mind of ours?
Does it make us the Crown of Creation?
What do we use it for?
What is this Mind good for, actually?
Honestly, I am angry because of all the harm and destruction we humans have caused to Nature, to Earth.
And to one another.
A “Short Timeline” of Wars, Invasions & Armed Conflicts. And some other Human Follies
But I don’t blame Mind for that!
Mind is part of Nature just as we are, the awesome result of our brain’s and nervous system’s evolution. Mind is just a natural function that has arisen, emerged out of a significantly complex net of nerve connections that developed in our brain over the Millenia.
Something else seems to have gone wrong. Something seems to have taken control over the programming of our mind. And uses it for all kinds of not-so-benefitial-for mankind purposes.
Now, the real interesting question should be:
What is the Mind really here for in the whole Game of Evolution, in the Big Picture?
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“The mind is what thinks, feels, perceives, imagines, remembers, and wills, encompassing the totality of mental phenomena. It includes both conscious processes, through which an individual is aware of external and internal circumstances, and unconscious processes, which can influence an individual without intention or awareness.”
I would say that the mind can be “thought about” as a set of abilities and faculties, mostly cognitive, mental aspects such as conscious perception, thinking, language, memory, rationality, discernment, intelligence, reason, judgement, logic, abstraction, ideas, philosophy, self-awareness and so on.
Mind is what enables us to have a subjective awareness of the world around us as well as “the world within us” and to have intentions and conscious choice and free will to act in this world. To perceive stimuli, interpret them in an individualized way and respond with agency.
In this sense, Mind is an evolutionary function of the physical brain but at the same time it is also “the dweller of the threshold”, the doorway into the wider and higher realms of consciousness. And in this position Mind is a potential that can be developed and refined in the span of a lifetime thru education and self-directed development.
For me it is obvious that the mind is not limited to the physical brain but lives in the wider Mental Sphere of Existence, for a while even after the body dies.
There are many many aspects of The Mind that go way beyond of what we know so intimately as “the ordinary mind”, the mind that we use every day of our life and the one that can drive us pretty crazy sometimes.
In this article I am mostly interested to explore and contemplate those yet-to-be-developed capacities of our Mind.
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The Spectrum of Consciousness
and the place of the Mind in it.
My understanding of the whole Spectrum of Consciousness is based in part on my own meditation experiences as well as all I have been reading and studying about the structure of reality. One outstanding authority in that realm is Sri Aurobindo, the great Indian poet, yogi, philosopher and fighter for Indias independence.
In Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga, he outlines a hierarchy of consciousness, where the mind occupies an intermediate position between the lower, more material planes and the higher, spiritual planes of existence.
In a very simplified manner it looks like this:
The Physical Consciousness:
This is the base level, dealing with the physical body and its interactions with the material world.
The Vital Consciousness:
This layer involves emotions, desires, and life energies.
The Mental Consciousness:
This encompasses rational thought, intellectual analysis, and the faculties of reasoning and imagination.
The Higher Mind:
Beyond the ordinary mind, this level engages in broader and more inclusive thinking.
The Illumined Mind:
A state of higher awareness and spiritual illumination.
The Intuitive Mind:
This level functions with intuitive knowledge and insight, transcending logical reasoning.
The Overmind:
A plane of cosmic consciousness, where individual and universal consciousness begin to merge.
The Supermind:
The highest level, representing a direct and dynamic manifestation of the Divine consciousness.
Obviously those layers in consciousness are not separate from each other but rather different vibrational levels of one wholeness.
But still, each one layer has very specific attributes and characteristics that one can discern in meditation and contemplation.
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The Role of the Mind.
The mind plays a crucial role in human evolution and spiritual development. It acts as a bridge between the lower and higher forms of consciousness, facilitating the transformation of the traveller on the spiritual path.
The Mind is an Instrument of Knowledge:
The mind is a primary tool for acquiring knowledge. It processes sensory information, engages in critical thinking, and allows for the development of science, philosophy, and art.
However, the mind’s knowledge is limited by personal experience, acquired secondary knowledge and language. And it is often distorted by ignorance and ego.
The Mind is Origin and Seat of Ego and Individuality:
The Mind has an important role to play in the development of the Person, persona, but in so doing it inevitably creates a sense of individuality and separateness from the rest. While this is essential for the development of a personal identity or ego and for personal growth, it also leads to a sense of isolation from the rest of the world and from the Divine and the Universal Consciousness, the essential Oneness of All.
Overcoming this ego-centric perspective is a key aspect of spiritual practice.
The Mind is also a perfect “Agent of Transformation”:
The mind, through practices of concentration, meditation, and contemplation, can be refined and transformed.
Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga aims to elevate the Mind to higher planes of consciousness, ultimately reaching the Supermind, and Supramental Consciousness.
The Unity Of All There Is.
Although this may sound like a pretty far fetched goal for us normal folks, at least for me it is perfectly reasonable to go for it. All the way.
Anybody who has taken more than a few steps on the path of meditation knows about the limitations of the mind, what a chattering restless monkey Mind can be. Mind in his untrained natural state shows some pretty nasty characteristics that can become severe roadblocks for inner development.
Mind has a tendency towards Fragmentation and Duality:
The mind tends to see reality in fragmented and dualistic terms. It divides experiences into categories such as good and bad, subject and object, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.
Mind has a tendency towards Ignorance and Error:
The mind’s dependence on sensory information and logical reasoning often results in incomplete and erroneous knowledge. It is prone to biases and illusions.
Mind has a tendency towards Resistance to Change:
The mind is conditioned by past experiences and habitual thought patterns, making it resistant to change and transformation. This inertia can be a significant obstacle in the spiritual journey.
And as if those limitations would not be hard enough to figure out and overcome, the mind is also a chatterbox of epic proportions 😕 . Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity as well, i would say. 😉
If you want to know what i mean, have a look here >>
Dealing withe the Monkey Mind
At that point the Mind may appear to us meditators not merely as a nuisance but seems to be a serious hinderance on the way to further spiritual growth, development in consciousness.
But from a higher perspective, nothing could be further from the truth.
A developed, purified and fine-tuned mind is absolutely necessary for the journey “up” to higher states of consciousness.
The emphasis here is on “a developed, purified and fine-tuned mind” 😉
And for a while it may look like that an awful lot of patience, persistence and perseverance is needed, that some real effort and dedication is necessary to master this little chatter-mind-monkey.
In my experience this is simply a preliminary phase of the journey, maybe a test-of-sorts for our commitment.
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Some well known Tools to master the Mind
The tools we have during this phase are nothing new, they have been taught throughout the ages by spiritual teachers:
Concentration and Meditation:
Focusing the mind and turning inward to connect with the inner being and the Divine presence.
Cultivating awareness of and closely witnessing of one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions to understand and transform them.
Study and Reflection:
Engaging with spiritual texts and teachings to deepen our understanding of Reality and inspire the mind.
Developing Inner Attitudes that support spiritual growth:
If you have come to the point where you have already made a lot of effort to quiet your mind by will alone or solitude or some psychotropic substances, you may start to understand why Vipassana Meditation Teachers tell us that there is no way to stop the mind with normal means.
You have to relax,
accept the mind’s ripples and waves,
its ebbs and flows, its low and high tides.
You observe, then witness, then simply take notice.
Surrender happens.
Out of the blue.
No more effort needed.
Slowly you will start to experience
something completely new:
Not a dead silence, no no!
Not a willful concentration.
Not a forced inner quietude.
Not an absence of thoughts or feelings.
But another room, another realm altogether!
Like a skylight has opened, or the ceiling has somehow completely disappeared from the room.
Or like after a strenuous hike uphill, after a steep climb,
you have reached a peaceful valley
with a pristine mountain lake in it.
Cristal clear waters.
Reflecting the peaks,
the whole landscape around.
The lake is like a perfect mirror.
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The Great Silence
This feels like Paradise. This is a state of consciousness that is perfectly peaceful and still. And at the same time it is crystal clear in witnessing your mind’s activities as well as your body’s and outer activities when you open your eyes.
And yet you are not necessarily involved, not identified.
This feels like the Nirvana Yogis have always talked about, a place beyond.
“But hey! Wait!”
“Not so quick!”, says Aurobindo.
Nirvana was all right for the Rishis and the Yogis and the other enlightened beings of old! It was alright to disappear from the world into the higher realms, leave the body, the world and all the rest behind to go back to the Source.
But now there is another time coming, another voyage altogether.
The possibility and the promise of something that has never been done before yet, not in all the Yugas of Spiritual History.
At least this is what Sri Aurobindo proclaimed and what he spent the last 40 years of his life to explore and to realize:
The Spiritualization of Matter, or as he called it, the Descent of the Supramental Consciousness into the deepest matter, the cells and atoms and the resulting Divine Life.
Whatever this is, whatever it may look like, I am definitely intrigued. It is something I am deeply interested in and wish to explore myself.
Not to aspire to go away from Life, Earth and Matter and ascend into the spiritual realms of higher dimensions, but to bring the higher dimensions “down here” to transform Matter, Earth and Life into an altogether higher vibration.
At least, this is what I understand about it, about Aurobindo’s pioneering voyage inside, into the “Consciousness of the Cells”.
The Mind of the Cells by Satprem > Download.
Aurobindo – and not only him – urges us not to stop here, not to be content with being immersed in that peaceful silence, drunk with sat-chit-ananda.
Endless Divine Bliss.
But to move on, move deeper into the Great Silence.
But there is no way to do it by will, by effort, by any personal ambition whatsoever.
No philosophy reaches there either.
The only way onwards is Surrender.
Mysterious non-activity-activity ; )
Surrender, an illogical contradiction in itself for our ego, our hard-worn-individuality, our persona.
Don’t try to argue it with somebody in logical terms!
Spiritual Surrender means offering oneself entirely to the Divine, allowing higher forces to guide and transform the individual self.
I guess, it’s very much a matter of the heart from here on.
Faith and Trust in the Divine is needed here.
Walking blind with full confidence.
This kind of thing.
In case you feel drawn to that kind of adventure or are just a little bit curious what i am talking about, please take the time to read or listen to those two articles:
Now, to come back to my analogy of the perfectly still mountain lake.
It is just that, a body of water, maybe deep, maybe shallow, maybe fishes in it or not.
Who knows.
But when its night, when it is pitch dark all around and the lake is perfectly still, the surface like a lady’s mirror and the whole firmament above can be seen in it, the cosmos.
Light from the most distant stars far away is penetrating into its depths.
I don’t want to push my metaphor too far, but that’s what I feel about the mind.
I feel the Mind’s ultimate aim and purpose is to be a perfect receiver, the fine tuned polished antenna to register the most subtle impulses from “above”.
To let those higher dimensional energies thru without distorting them in any way.
Let me repeat once more the levels of Consciousness that are available to broadcast subtle informations, inspirations, intuitions and illuminations via the receiver of the still mind.
Other spiritual teachers thru the ages have maybe used other words meaning the same subtle dimensions. Here I will stick to Aurobindo’s terminology for the moment:
The Higher Mind: Beyond the ordinary mind, this level engages in broader and more inclusive thinking.
The Illumined Mind: A state of higher awareness and spiritual illumination.
The Intuitive Mind: This level functions with intuitive knowledge and insight, transcending logical reasoning.
The Overmind: A plane of cosmic consciousness, where individual and universal consciousness begin to merge.
The Supermind: The highest level, representing a direct and dynamic manifestation of the Divine consciousness.
I am not all too hung up with such terminologies, they are just words after all, pointing at something.
But in any case those terminology makes it clear that beyond the “ordinary mind” that we know so well, our mind which is perfect for dissecting something and analyzing the parts, almost perfect of digesting and collecting secondary knowledge, and also most perfect of getting confused and spaced out.
Beyond this Ordinary Mind, there is a whole cosmos waiting of subtle energies and information input!
Direct Knowledge from the Source, so to say.
Many other Spiritual Teachers besides AUrobindo have pointed to those Higher Levels of Consciousness in different ways but for the article I am sticking with Aurobindo’s teachings.
Because in his life of spiritual discovery he described something very new and unique:
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The Descent of Supramental Consciousness.
And The Supramental Transformation of Life and Matter altogether.
The ultimate goal of Sri Aurobindo’s vision of The Integral Yoga and the next step in evolution is the Supramental Transformation, where the mind and the entire being are transformed by the descent of the Supramental Consciousness. This consciousness transcends the limitations of the mind, embodying a direct, infallible knowledge and a dynamic power of transformation.
From here onward I will simply quote in my own words from Aurobindo’s various writings about the matter. Mostly “The Life Divine” and “The Synthesis of Yoga” as well as “Savitri”.
It is way beyond my ability to verify the validity of the text by my own experience, but I feel intuitively the truth in it and I believe that this is the next step in human evolution. And the Evolution of Matter and the cosmos as such.
That believe is also the reason why I decided to share it in my blog in such length. For me that is more than believe or dogma, but a wonderful vision of a possible “happy ending” for this drama of cosmic proportions that humanity is engaged in.
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The Role of Inner Silence in the Process of Supramental Transformation
In the teachings of Sri Aurobindo Inner Silence is considered a crucial aspect of the spiritual process, particularly in the context of Supramental Transformation. Inner Silence, or the quieting of the mind, serves as a foundational practice that facilitates the descent of higher consciousness and the eventual transformation of the entire being.
Inner Silence is not merely the absence of thought or mental activity but a profound state of tranquility and receptivity. It is a state where the usual mental chatter ceases, allowing the deeper / higher layers and vibrations of Consciousness to become more prominent. This silence is both dynamic and powerful, creating a conducive environment for the Supramental Consciousness to manifest.
The function of Inner Silence in this transformative process
Purification of the Mind:
Inner Silence helps in purifying the mind from its habitual patterns of thought, emotions, and desires. The constant noise of the mind often distorts perception and hinders spiritual progress. By achieving Inner Silence, we can cleanse the mind of these impurities, making it more receptive to Higher Truths.
Receptivity to Higher Levels of Consciousness:
In a state of Inner Silence, the Mind becomes like a calm and clear lake, reflecting the light of higher consciousness without distortion. This receptivity is essential for the Descent of the Supramental Force, which requires a tranquil and open mind to integrate and transform Mind’s Lower Nature.
Intuitive Knowledge:
Inner Silence allows for the emergence of intuitive knowledge, which transcends the rational and analytical functions of the ordinary mind. In silence, the deeper layers of the being, such as the psychic and spiritual parts, can communicate their insights and guidance, leading to a more integrated and holistic understanding.
Stabilization of Spiritual Experiences:
Spiritual experiences and realizations often occur spontaneously but can be fleeting if the mind is restless or agitated. Inner Silence helps in stabilizing these experiences, allowing them to take root and grow, eventually leading to permanent transformation.
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Practical Approaches to Cultivating Inner Silence
Regular meditation practice helps in quieting the mind and achieving a state of Inner Silence. Techniques such as focusing on the breath, repeating a mantra, or concentrating on spiritual symbols can aid in this process.
Mindfulness and Awareness
Cultivating mindfulness in daily activities helps in maintaining a state of inner calm and awareness. By being fully present in the moment, one can reduce unnecessary mental activity and foster Inner Silence.
Solitude and Contemplation
Spending time in solitude and engaging in contemplation allows for introspection and the quieting of the mind. This practice helps in detaching from external distractions and connecting with the inner self.
Devotional Practices
Engaging in devotional practices such as prayer, chanting, or reading spiritual texts can help in focusing the mind on the Divine, promoting a state of Inner Silence and receptivity.
Surrender and Aspiration
Actively cultivating an attitude of surrender to the Divine and maintaining a constant aspiration for spiritual growth can naturally lead to Inner Silence. This surrender involves letting go of egoic control and trusting in the higher guidance.
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The Descent of the Supramental Consciousness:
The concept of the Descent of the Supramental Consciousness is the main theme and ultimate aim of evolution described in detail in Aurobindo’s “The Life Divine.” This idea represents the culmination of his vision for human evolution, transcending the limitations of ordinary human consciousness to achieve a state of divine existence on Earth.
The Nature of the Supramental Consciousness
The Supramental Consciousness, or Supermind, is a state of existence that surpasses the dualities and fragmentations inherent in our human mind. It is an Integral, Holistic Consciousness that embodies the Unity Of All Things, perceiving the inherent truth and interconnectedness of the universe.
Unlike the divided, analytical nature of the ordinary mind, the Supermind operates through a seamless integration of knowledge and will. This Divine Consciousness is characterized by its self-luminous, self-determining nature, which effortlessly manifests the inherent truths of existence.
The Supermind is not merely an elevated state of intellectual or spiritual awareness.
It represents a fundamental shift in the mode of being. It is the consciousness of Sachchidananda — Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss — manifesting itself in a dynamic and self-organizing principle. The Supramental Consciousness transcends the limitations of time and space, operating in a realm of timeless, spaceless truth while simultaneously manifesting in the temporal and spatial dimensions of the cosmos.
The Process of the Descent of Supramental Consciousness
The descent of the Supramental Consciousness is a transformative process that involves the gradual infusion of this higher consciousness into the lower planes of human existence. This process is not an abrupt or miraculous event but a progressive evolution that requires sustained aspiration, inner discipline, and the opening of the individual being to the divine consciousness.
Aurobindo outlines several stages in this evolutionary ascent, each marked by a deeper integration and illumination of the human consciousness.
The journey begins with the Higher Mind, which brings a greater clarity and breadth of understanding, followed by the Illumined Mind, which adds a luminous quality of intuitive perception. The next stages involve the Intuitive Mind and the Overmind, each representing higher levels of integration and unity, preparing the the practicioner for the final Descent of the Supermind.
The Supramental Transformation involves a complete overhaul of the mind, life, and body.
The mind must be purified and transformed to become a perfect instrument of the divine truth, free from the distortions and limitations of ego and ignorance.
The life-force must be harmonized and aligned with the higher will, enabling a dynamic expression of the Divine Consciousness.
Finally, the physical body must be prepared to receive and hold the Supramental Light, leading to a transformation that transcends the ordinary limitations of mortality.
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Implications of the Descent of the Supramental Consciousness
The descent of the Supramental Consciousness holds profound implications for the individual and the collective evolution of humanity.
On an individual level, it promises a radical transformation of consciousness, leading to a state of divine perfection and self-realization. The Supramental individual embodies the divine qualities of truth, unity, and bliss, living in a state of perpetual harmony and dynamic creativity.
Collectively, the Descent of the Supermind heralds the possibility of a new evolutionary stage for humanity. It suggests the emergence of a Supramental race, characterized by a collective consciousness that transcends the conflicts and divisions of the past.
This New Humanity would be capable of manifesting a divine life on Earth, creating a society based on principles of truth, unity, and universal well-being.
The descent of the Supramental Consciousness also redefines the relationship between the individual and the cosmos. It affirms the possibility of a harmonious integration between the Individual Self and the Universal Consciousness we may also call GOD, allowing for a deeper participation in the cosmic play of existence.
This integration enables the individual to act as a conscious instrument of the Divine Will, contributing to the evolutionary progress of the entire creation.
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I am almost breathless, writing down those words.
I pray, that such realizations may not be reserved for Aurobindo’s exceptionally refined mind.
And remain mere wishful thinking for the rest of us.
I pray that it may be the future of all of us, albeit probably a distant future.
Personally I see it as a promise, the divine potential that has always been there from the beginning of the Big Bang and especially the promise that became embodied with the dawn of the Mind in humanoids.
The promise of Return to the Ultimate Unity of Consciousness that we may also call God, Brahma, Sat-Chit-Ananda, All There Is, the promise has been expressed as a inherent potential in any human being by many advanced individuals and spiritual teachers throughout the ages.
Aurobindo brought this kind of vision into a even more radical dimension by exploring the possibility of the Supramental Consciousness descending deep into Matter, into the physical body into the very material of the cells, the molecules, the atoms and further into quantum realms.
In those deepest levels of matter he found waiting the same Divine Light / Consciousness from which all manifestation comes.
It is not a big surprise to me, that in 2012 Experimental Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland discovered the subatomic particle called Higgs Boson, that has often been called “The God Particle”.
The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?
It is a 1993 popular science book by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon M. Lederman
> Download
But that’s another fascinating story.
Maybe for another day!
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PS: For ordinary Earthlings like you & me, such a grand vision and promise is probably not so easy to read and to digest, not as easy as to read a Harry Potter Book or a SciFi novel.
But me, I am used to such “far-out stuff”
So I am really interested what you think about all of that.
And especially what our young folks, the People Of Tomorrow think about it.
Feel free to write you honest opinions into the comment box below.
Here I’ll share a few opinions expressed by some smart youngsters that I know:
PPS: As you might have guessed, this is far from over.
This is a work in progress.
This is the voyage of life ………………