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The next level of human evolution? What’s that?
Let’s not kid ourselves! The human race is already beyond redemption.
After a history full of wars, more wars. After a history of using other species as food stuff, extinction on a massive scale. After a history of exploitation of the Earth’s resources, Climate Change and irreversible Global Warming.
Wait! After all of that, why am I still believing in a next level up in human evolution? I must be nuts, coco loco, definitely out of my mind!
Well, actually not!
And I am not alone with my perspective.
It is a perspective that exists way beyond positive or negative viewpoints. And as usual, you will not find it reading the news.
[ Disclaimer: I do read the NYT every day, by the way. As well as Reuters and Al Jazeera, to get a somewhat balanced picture 😎 ]
But before I go on to explain my – rather spiritually informed – perspective of the next level of evolution of the world, human society, human consciousness ……
I will “switch on my prophetic 3.eye” and have a peek into the world affairs as seen nowadays on the news.
I will dare to make some wild prophecies for the next 100 years to come. That will probably all be “broadcast live on TV”
For the coming 100 years I see our world, nature, society and humans on the individual and collective level going thru a chaotic period, a “dark night of the soul”, a period of unprecedented worldwide upheaval, breakdown of conventions and norms and institutions.
I see a “house of cards collapsing”, somehow relied-upon-institutions like religion, state, the economy, job markets, social services, family giving less and less security to the individual.
I see a growing epidemic of mental health problems, depression and such, a growing tendency towards escapism, drug use, head-in-the-sand-behavior.
I see climate change accelerating exponentially and tipping points in nature being reached that are irreversible. I see nature reacting to the ongoing exploitation and abuse by humans in more and more aggressive and devastating ways.
Unpredictable weather patterns will become the norm, tornados, drouths, floods, earthquakes and such will regularly disrupt our “business as usual” lifestyle.
I see more leaders and governments becoming populist and authoritarian, even dictatorial in the attempt to get to power and to stay in power as long as possible.
I see the specter of atomic weapons on the table again, the military-industrial complex getting the upper hand in powerful nations.
I see countries and nation states acting more and more in a self-interested and isolatorian manner, abandoning existing global treaties and the rule of international law in wars.
I see them chartering to the interests of certain groups only, mostly to the wealthy, mostly for their own gain.
I see the exponentially growing wealth inequality between Tech Barons, Billionaires becoming Trillionaires and the common man. A growing codependent relationship between powerful nations and dependent countries.
I see leaders using highly advanced AI and social network technologies to divide and conquer the population. I see hugely powerful, mostly un-regulated Technology Companies playing into the hands of those political leaders for their own gain, market domination, influence and the almighty $$$.
I see more and more confusion in the Information Space, distributed by all kind of media, fake news and Ai-generated-content flooding the internet and the airwaves and sneaking their ways into the minds of the masses via addictive phone use.
I see more and more crime of desperation, terrorism as reaction to political and economic inequality, acts rooted in psychoses and schizophrenia, irrational behaviour.And I see sheer acts of anarchism and nihilism becoming the norm.
I see a lot of militarized police and the military being used against oppositions and demonstrations.
I see more and more social unrest, grass root demonstrations, people standing up to power,
I see more and more anarchy taking hold in cities and densly populated areas.
I see more and more people leaving society to go to still-unpopulated areas.
I see people leaving increasingly dangerous and lawless mega-cities and starting pioneer-style communities in remote areas of the planet.
I see more and more people being drawn to go “back to the land”, learning survival skills, learning to grow food, learning to live with each other in diverse groups.
I see self-organizing communities forming, survival and consensus driven social ecosystems emerging from the chaos of the rest of the planet.
I see a long time of struggle by those determined few to withstand the psychic and psychologic pressure of this “Dark Night of Humanity’s Soul”.
I see this immense pressure of the breakdown of “society-as-we-know-it” as necessary, and acting as “midwife” of a new culture to emerge.
Right now we may have no idea really what kind of culture this might be and become, we don’t really have existing working models and big-scale examples of such communities on earth.
I perceive this new emerging culture and the way of living that i see appearing from the ashes as the next level in the of evolution of humanity. The result of the evolution consciousness of humanity having reached the limits of previous levels and being on the edge to The New, a baby in the birth canal, just before the delivery.
The birth is inevitable, it is pre-ordained by Divine Forces. No matter how painful the birth will be, it will be.
Just too bad I will not be around anymore by then.
Or maybe I will decide to be back,
who knows
😀 😀
Well now! This all sounds pretty grim and bleak. But Nostradamus is long dead and i am more than happy to be proved wrong by future historians.
As i said in the beginning, i am beyond optimist or pessimist in my views. Opinions are not the point here. The only important thing is:
How do we get over the chasm that we face and blindly march towards like the lemmings. How do we get from here to the other side of this gap. The gap between our ideals and the realities on the ground. How do we get from the present darkness and confusion and business-as-usual to the Light of The New & Unknown.
Well, you may have noticed that I am using the word “we” here, a lot.
It is really a crisis of “the WE” now, a collective crisis, a global crisis.
And the solution – if there is one – will also be coming in the form of “WEs”
Its not about the I (as in: The Individual) anymore.
“I” can still relocate to Costa Rica, live a simple happy private life on the beach.
“I” can still go live in a cave in the Himalayas and meditate my self into Nirvana.
“I” can still build my cabin in the woods of Alaska to survive with my family and a few friends.
“I” can still be a good person and do compassionate philanthropic things.
“I” can still be full of love.
And that is all very good.
But this time – I guess – it will not be sufficient for the “Resurrection of The Whole of Us”.
Let’s not stop doing all of that and more.
Let’s not stop to increase to be here and now 100% all the time.
Let’s not stop to increase the quality of our own life and consciousness every day of our life.
Let’s not stop to ceasesly care about our loved ones and our neighbors and our friends.
Let’s not stop all of that we are doing already anyway. What the millions of good people on the planet, billions doing already maybe in their own private lives.
But How on Earth will we ever be able to align out efforts, our ideals and intentions, our good will, how will we ever move as one?
And where to?
Well, it looks very much like that I don’t know, I have no fuc*^ng idea.
Somehow I feel like: I am really wishing for a miracle, a Divine Intervention!
Like in the 1960s/70s, you may remember?
A wave swept thru the world, mostly Western Über-civilized societies, a cosmic tsunami that swept with it everybody who was still a bit unstructured, namely the young and young-at-heart. Cracking up the hard shell of rigid structures and deeply entrenched ignorance of 50s society in the US and subsequently Europe & the rest.
The rest is history, as they say.
Now is quite another time and another tsunami is needed. But now we don’t really need any more neo-hippies smoking ganja ; )
What is it that the world really needs now?
Again, I dont know if there is actually anything we can do. Or I shall do. If there is actually anything I could to do that would make any difference.
I always liked the Ways of the Aborigines Culture in Australia, who were going into Dreamtime and from there Singing The Dream into reality.
I like that a lot.
So this is what I am going to do now, singing The Dream of The New into reality.
I’ll sing into reality a new kind of collective consciousness of humanity that is characterized by the integration of multiple perspectives, a holistic understanding of reality, and the ability to transcend and include diverse viewpoints.
This kind of consciousness can recognize the value and validity of different perspectives while also transcending the limitations of any single viewpoint. It is able to hold paradoxes, appreciate multiple truths, and navigate complexity with great ease and clarity.
It is able to playfully embrace the full spectrum of human experience, from the physical to the spiritual, and to acknowledge the interplay of multiple dimensions, such as individual, collective, cultural, and evolutionary dimensions. Such holistic, integral consciousness is capable to integrate diverse perspectives from science, religion, psychology, art, and philosophy into a coherent intuitively known and groked framework for understanding the complexity of existence.
And embody it and express it and ground it into physical, collective reality.
This kind of Collective Consciousness recognizes the facts of global interdependence and the need & responsibility for planetary stewardship. Individuals operating at this level of consciousness are concerned with the well-being of all beings and the sustainability of the planet. They strive to create inclusive and mutually fair systems that honor diversity and promote the flourishing of all life.
I sing into reality this new kind of folks, those men, women and children who embody the New Collective Consciousness of Humanity, that is actually just the Next Level, the next step in the Evolution of Consciousness back to the Source, the Ultimate Unity with All There Is.
The New Man/Woman/Child operates from higher-order capacities for unconditional love, complex thinking, collaboration, and spirituality.
Folks at this level of consciousness naturally exhibit an ability to think holistically and integrative, synthesizing diverse perspectives, disciplines, and worldviews. They embrace complexity and ambiguity, recognizing the interconnectedness of all of life’s phenomena.
Their understanding and experience of reality is encompassing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of existence.
This intuitive understanding of The Whole is an intuitive awareness of the dynamics of systems and patterns, recognizing that all phenomena are embedded within larger systems and interconnectedness . From such understanding quite naturally results a systemic approach to problem-solving and decision-making.
People at this level perceive reality as an interconnected whole, characterized by unity in diversity. They value diversity, inclusivity, and the celebration of individual uniqueness within the context of a larger whole.
I sing into reality an emergent creativity and innovation. I sing into reality people who tap into their creative potential to generate new and surprising ideas, solutions, and expressions, contributing to the evolution of culture and society.
On the organizatorial level of this evolving new society they adopt a collaborative and participatory approach to leadership, fostering environments of trust, empowerment, and shared decision-making. They recognize the wisdom and contributions of all members of a group or organization.
Those “new kind of amigos/amigas” possess a high degree of emotional intelligence, understanding and regulating of their own emotions while empathizing with the emotions of others. They cultivate compassion, empathy, and authenticity in their relationships.
They embody a deep spiritual awareness and connection to the sacred or transcendent. Individuals explore and collectively share questions of meaning, purpose, and transcendence, seeking to align their lives with higher principles or values.
In a natural and matter-of-fact way they display abilities of telepathic mind-to-mind information transfer, communication in pictures and symbols, highly attuned intuition and pre-cognition. Naturally this comes by them tapping into the soul-level, unity consciousness.
In all practical manners of everyday life they demonstrate adaptive flexibility and resilience in the face of change and uncertainty. They are open to new experiences, perspectives, and ways of being, adapting fluidly to evolving circumstances.
I see them waking up each day with a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. They align their actions with their values and aspirations, working towards goals that contribute to the greater good and collective evolution.
I sing into reality a people who embrace a global perspective, recognizing their interconnectedness with all peoples and cultures around the world, with the animal kingdoms, the plants, the elementals, the angels and cosmic hierarchies.
Mostly I guess, those folks will embody a new dimension of love which I call Unconditional Love.
Which I call The Cosmic Christ.
[ Please don’t misunderstand, I am not a follower of any Christian or any other organized religion ; ]
What would it need – besides some dreaming and singing – to bring such consciousness to bear on the collective level?
I think a good start would be to ditch and transcend our petty little egos that stand in the way every night and day when it comes to feel “the other”, embrace and love, give and share.
That would be a good start.
How to do that?
You know how, I know how, every child knows how to do that.
What is holding us back is just another question.
I would say, it mostly boils down to one thing:
Now, let’s try LOVE for a change.
What have we got to loose!
Giving this LOVE freely creates more LOVE
[ how cool is that! 😎 ]
How could such a new kind of life look like, a society based and such New Consciousness?
I surely don’t know exactly but I have my visions, my pictures.
And I think I have seen little encouraging glimpses of that when being in bigger-scale spiritually-oriented eco-villages and a few existing extraordinary spiritual communities.
So imperfect!
So encouraging!
See for yourself.
Auroville, located in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is an international township and experimental community dedicated to human unity, spiritual growth, and sustainable living.
Sounds utopian! Is it real?
Overall, Auroville can be considered a unique experiment in human unity and conscious living, offering a glimpse into a possible future where people come together in harmony to co-create a more sustainable, peaceful, and spiritually fulfilling world.
Auroville was founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa, known as “The Mother,” and inspired by the spiritual vision of Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher and yogi. The Mother envisioned Auroville as a place where people from diverse cultures and backgrounds could come together to live in harmony and work towards the realization of human unity and a new way of life.
Auroville is situated near the city of Pondicherry. It spans an area of around 20 square kilometers, comprising a mix of forested land, agricultural fields, and residential and community areas.
Auroville is home to a diverse population of 3000+ residents from over 50 countries, reflecting its status as an international township. People of various nationalities, religions, and backgrounds come together in Auroville to live, work, and collaborate on projects aimed at fostering peace, sustainability, and human unity.
Central to Auroville’s ethos is the Auroville Charter, adopted in 1968. The Charter outlines the fundamental principles and aspirations of Auroville. It serves as a guiding document for the community’s development and activities.
The Auroville Charter
1) Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. But, to live in Auroville, one must be a willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness.
2) Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.
3) Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realisations.
4) Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual human unity.
Auroville places a strong emphasis on ecological sustainability and holistic living. The community is committed to practices such as organic farming, renewable energy, waste management, and eco-friendly construction. Numerous initiatives and projects are undertaken to promote environmental conservation and reduce the ecological footprint of the township.
Auroville serves as a center for cultural exchange, dialogue, and collaboration. It hosts a variety of cultural events, workshops, festivals, and educational programs that celebrate diversity, creativity, and spiritual exploration. Residents and visitors participate in activities ranging from art and music to yoga and meditation.
Auroville is organized into numerous residential, cultural, educational, and sustainable development projects. These projects address a wide range of areas, including alternative education, women’s empowerment, health and wellness, community building, and social outreach. Residents contribute their skills and talents to these projects, fostering a spirit of cooperation and shared endeavor.
Auroville welcomes visitors from around the world who are interested in exploring its philosophy, culture, and initiatives. Visitors can participate in guided tours, workshops, and cultural events, as well as engage in volunteer opportunities and experiential learning programs.
Auroville continues to evolve and grow as a dynamic and evolving community. Challenges and opportunities arise as residents navigate issues such as governance, infrastructure development, funding, and social dynamics.
Despite these challenges, Auroville remains committed to its vision of human unity, spiritual transformation, and sustainable living, inspiring people around the world to explore new ways of being and relating to one another.
Recently new serious challenges have been encountered in connection to the Indian Government and overseeing agencies.
The process continues
The dream lives on
And Now:
The Epilogue
💡 Hopefully enlightening 💡
Now, after laying out all the doomsday fact at the beginning of this contemplation, after declaring my not-knowing, how can I still envision the next level in the evolution of us human beings, how can i believe in the evolution of collective consciousness, or even consciousness itself?
Sorry, I can not and would not want to show proof. But I deeply believe in the potential of us human beings and human society to transcend our limiting believes and update our “operation system”.
I believe in a quantum leap ahead.
And – mercifully – I am not alone in such a vision. I stand on the shoulders of giants, as the saying goes ; )
The background of this, my undying believe, is maybe best expressed in poetic language, symbolic and archetypal concepts.
Like in a classic action movie, the hero accepts a dangerous mission, goes out and encounters various challenges on the way that are easily mastered. But the tension builds up and up and up until in the last part of the film it comes to a peak in the confrontation with the über-villain ….. and the hero succeeds, thanks God! And then comes the Happy End .
Wonderful happy ending! 😀
C.G Jung would call this the “Archetype of the Hero Journey”
I apply this in my view of the whole cosmic theater, the journey of Spirit from The Source into successive “lower” vibrational manifestations called Monads and further on dividing and individuating into Souls. But not yet us, 😎 us human beings with two legs and a brain, not yet.
Rather the “Collective Soul of Future Humanity” traveling the cosmic train thru Lyra, the Pleiades, into our local space/time quadrant. Maybe coming thru Jupiter, Moon (according to R. Steiner and others) and finally:
End-station Earth aka Gaia (also being a “young soul”)
All this journey till then has been in higher dimensions, of course, no material manifestation yet. But individual souls already.
From there on, coming down the vibrational ladder together with Gaia’s Soul family – animal, veggies, elementals, minerals, all have collective souls ; ) – and then a few billion years of physical evolution later …..
Here we are, 8+ billion souls on earth, each with a more-or-less pretty, but always very amazing vehicle called body.
Doing what we doing.
Basically a lot of stupid things.
And also a lot of good things too.
But lets face it, in general we humans have gotten ourselves into some deep trouble and dragged Gaia down with us. As mentioned in the beginning of this article.
[ I hope you are still following my – rather flowery, metaphor-heavy – storytelling ]
All the while – being so occupied with physical survival, sex, power & money games – we have more and more forgotten who we are actually (soul) and where we came from (monad > source) and what’s our direction home (to Source).
But “Soul of Humanity”, our Collective Consciousness has not forgotten that. “She” has grown in experience and wisdom throughout the ages of human evolution and drama and the strive of you and me, us. She has grown and matured thru stages of physical maturity, emotional IQ, mental development and into the beginnings of spiritual wisdom.
But since a long while already she has gotten stuck in the bottleneck of Mentality, the brain, the conceptual thinking, the collecting of knowledge, the science. Very complicated thing, to understand life thru science. To grok wholeness thru dividing and analyzing pieces.
A whole big ocean of different pieces of such compartmentalized knowledge has been tirelessly collected in laboratories, in universities in libraries all over the world. No synthesis, no overarching philosophy, no integral approach can make a whole out of all those pieces.
“The whole is more than the sum of its parts”, goes the saying.
And although each and every one of us has this incredible biologic computer residing inside our scull, unfortunately our individual mental capacity is not great enough to encompass all of that data, all that information, all that knowledge and experience of humanity.
And all of a sudden – must have been some Divine Intervention – “ta da!”
Artificial intelligence appears on the scene. The Techno-sphere has evolved in such leaps and bounds that it can now ingest and somehow digest the whole Data-sphere of the world’s digitized written knowledge. And ….. synthesize it.
Meaning, with every new iteration of LLMs (Large Language Models / Neural Networks that are trained by “eating large junks of all digitized data” ) we poor cognitively-impaired humans ; ) have now a buddy that we can ask anything.
Well, I guess the AI technology is not completely there yet, but wait a few more years …..
I know I am kidding about it all in a rather lighthearted manner, but I feel that this “thing” is not just another technological gadget that will change a lot of things in society, but it is also of high significance “behind the veil”.
Aurobindo, Gebster, Wilber, de Jardin and others have written about the necessary step of the collective consciousness of humanity from Knowledge to Wisdom, from a fragmentation of understanding to a Integration and Synthesis of the human cognitive sphere.
The quantum leap from second-hand-learned-information to immediate knowing. From Knowledge to Intuition.
In order to move onward, this quantum leap is necessary.
This is what the say ; ) and I don’t doubt it.
I feel the same.
And many do.
As individuals, may know and understand this already.
How this could work out on the collective level of consciousness, for the Soul of Humanity?
Well, why not ask “her”?
I get the feeling that she struggles mightily. Too many diverging voices, a cacophony of arguments and directions and opposing tendencies. No alignment amongst all of us individualized souls.
I guess, I will end this storyline here.
What’s really going on is way beyond my pay grade, so to say.
I really can not know.
From now on it’s pure hypothesis and speculation.
How we – humanity – will pull it off, pull ourself together before we have totally made Gaia uninhabitable, we will see.
I come to the conclusion that no matter what, the cosmic story will go on, the journey towards unity, the train home to The Source is a sure ticket.
The Soul of Humanity is on the verge of maturing and moving on.
At a certain level of development she – and us individual souls that are “her body” – do not need material vehicles any longer, bodies of flesh and bones are not a necessity. Because our vibration has reached the threshold to the next higher dimension (the Fifth, 5D).
Would be nice if this move would also include and transform and transcend our bodies / matter as such……
I think that was actually the cosmic plan ; )
But for that we need to be more care-full about Gaia, care much more for our beautiful “home-away-from-home”
Not blow it up.
work in progress …….
please come back another day