not in my lifetime
have i seen something like this
not in my lifetime
has such disruption happened before
every nation
almost all people of earth
in some way or the other
having to adjust their life in unpredictable ways
scrambling in places
nonchalant in others
desperate sometimes
to counter the invisible threat
and yet i see
that all that is still a child’s game
compared to the things to come
when climate change will strike in full force
the training wheels will be off
and we will clearly see
if we have learned our lessons
droughts, hurricanes, floods and fires
coastlines disappearing
millions migrating
food shortage
there will be no waiting
for vaccination
there will be no cure
and no let-up
it will be the new normal then
now, what about now?
what’s the training?
whats the lessons not learned?
i think that a global crisis needs … a global response
every man, every woman for him/her self, this does not work here anymore
every tribe, every city, every county, every country, every nation, every continent, every race …
i guess a child can see that we are one human race in that, one humanity
more than that, we are one planet facing a common crisis
climate is worldwide
no places to hide
i propose that international institutions need to be re-formed, re-shaped
streamlined, made functional and efficient
all those institutions that support and foster an united approach to the world and its many challenges
UNICEF – United Nations International Children’s Fund
WHO – World Health Organization
IMF – International Monetary Fund
ICC – International Criminal Court
ICJ – International Court of Justice
UNHRC – United Nations Human Rights Council
UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
CD – Conference on Disarmament
IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency
And so many more …..
I just mention a few, probably most well-known ones.
You can check out the Yearbook of International Organizations in case you are interested in some uplifting news.
The Yearbook contains profiles of over 67,000 organizations active in about 300 countries and territories in every field of human endeavor. It profiles both international intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, all non-profit organizations that have – to some extent – one thing in common:
The betterment of the conditions on the planet in their chosen area of focus.
So many institutions already in place
imperfect, flawed even
but still, they are in place
groundwork has been done
all that can be utilized
stripped of bureaucracy
streamlined into action
put to work
There is sooooo much to do!
What’s missing?
In my opinion, whats missing is humanity’s will to act as one.
The willingness to let go of individual tribal gain, go beyond national agendas for the sake of the whole.
Put the ego aside ; )
Whats missing is also a effective mechanism for global, inter-national co-operation, decision-making and action.
The UN, the so called United Nations has been a wonderful attempt to create just that – unite the nations of the world in a council for globally beneficial action.
But the reality is just so far from that!
Its just a club now where a few superpowers making anything impossible thru a mind-numbing veto system. Putting their agenda before the betterment of the whole.
Honestly i am getting a little depressed when i think of all of that.
Fortunately (for my sanity ; ) there is a lot of good work being done on lower levels by all those many people contributing their intelligence, energy & heart in those 67,000+ organizations mentioned above.
But still i want to ask and raise this question again:
How to create a unified action, a intelligent coordinated approach to this unprecedented challenge facing the world?
Human-induced global warming and climate change?
i must confess that i have no idea
my mind is drawing a blank
my intuition fails me
my eyes
wet with tears
i think of all those children
growing up now
being born