Our Climate is Changing – What can we do?
The time to act is NOW!
And we must act SMART!
And we must act TOGETHER!
And we must act with FORCE!
When we look at the scenarios that Climate Science is now showing, it is easy to feel more than a little desperate and overwhelmed.
But we can not stop there, the time to turn the ship around is now!
Later on, it will be … too late.
We can also not wait until somebody else is saving the world.
We, the people have to get up and change what we can change to reverse the course that humanity has walked blindly for the last 100 years or so.
This – still beautiful – Earth is all we have.
And she is rapidly changing.
Let’s not sit at home on our ass, eating our Burgers.
Let’s get out and talk to our neighbors about the crisis.
Let’s start grassroot movements of creative change.
Let’s call up our political representatives.
Let’s take to the streets in protest the powers to be.
Let’s join the revolution!
Here are a few informative articles, inspiring stories, practical ideas to share & discuss:
If you want to go deeper, even more practical, here is a book for you:
Download from here> Drawdown_-_Paul_Hawken
May The Force be with you/us!
Share your thoughts here in the comments.
We would be glad to hear your voice!