An appendix to my recent writing on Belief – Part 2
I would like to reflect on the more down-to-earth believes and convictions that inform my everyday choices and actions.
– I strongly believe in simplicity, in a philosophy of “All we need is less”.
I don’t mean scarcity or asceticism but rather to have only the things that i need at a given phase of my life. They shall be of the highest quality and well cared for.
– I believe to have a small footprint on the earth, to be ever conscious of the sustainability of what i do and the impact on earth’s resources.
Not to use up and deplete the world but to enrich it, bring more energy into it.
To always leave a place better/nicer/richer than i have found it.
To think seven generations ahead.
Small is beautiful.
To practice volunteer simplicity.
– I also believe in aesthetic, in the importance to search out or create beautiful environments.
Physical, emotional, vibrational environments.
Personally i like a minimalist aesthetic, a lot of white space, a lot of silence, a music of the spheres that leaves much open.
– I believe in the importance to be informed of the ecologic and environmental realities on our earth.
To be aware that humanity has already done unbelievable and irrevocable harm to this beautiful planet.
And i believe in the importance of making personal choices that reflect this understanding.
Even if this is not always comfortable and convenient.
– Without being overly pessimistic, i believe that with climate change we have caused a chain of events beyond our powers that will ultimately wake humanity up … but it will be too late.
In that sense I fear for future generations.
– I believe that small actions done by many, done in the right spirit can have tremendous effect.
“Never underestimate what a group of ordinary citizens can do when they bound together in shared spirit!” someone famous once said.
– I believe in the Morphogenetic Fields and the “Hundred-Monkey-Effect” that postulates that change can come fast once a critical mass of unified action is reached.
– I believe that all should be done to resolve ongoing conflict and subconsciously festering feelings of contempt, disagreement and division.
In all personal as well as collective, political and religious matters we should always make every effort possible to seek out the things that connect us, that we have in common and be respectful and tolerant of our differences.
We should always seek consensus and strengthen the bounds that hold things together.
– In this sense i deeply believe in the power of Love as the ultimate unifying principle.
Kindness, compassion, understanding, patience, empathy, tolerance, generosity of spirit … those qualities we should apply in situations of conflict.
Love we should always share in all ways.
Free hugs are a great idea ; D
Random un-conditional acts of kindness.
– I believe in the power of a smile, of looking into the eyes of strangers, of giving a helping hand.
– i believe in living a clear and simple lifestyle. Natural. Sleep when tired, eat when hungry.
Eat just little and slow. Feed the body with organically grown and quality things. A plant based diet. Drinking a lot of water.
– I believe in spending a lot of my days outdoors, in nature, under the glorious sun, near the ocean. Prana-rich environments.
– I believe in sleeping with my windows and doors wide open.
– I believe in living without fear and worries.
; D
This may sound like a lot of believes, a lot of “should”, a lot of rules.
But i think when i really am convinced of something and believe in it, then my emotions, thoughts and actions are aligned, things come naturally, organically. My actions have a clear direction, consistency and logic to it.
This is why i believe it is fundamentally important to understand the principles of belief / values / character traits and to consciously find out and create a belief system that is clear and wide enough to direct my life in constructive ways.