Playful, lighthearted and carefree
“And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
This is what Jesus supposedly said, according to the Bible in Matthew 18:3
Do you think its possible to be carefree, lighthearted and carefree in this world?
Without being blind to the facts and realities and the daily news?
Without being willfully un-informed.
Without looking away or hiding away in my own little bubble, my own well defended castle?
Without being naturally innocent or purposefully naive?
Or adopting a heavily positivist attitude?
Yes, I think it is possible!
Maybe not always and not all the time, but it is possible.
It will just really depend on if i have found the real and stable ground within myself.
It will depend on the realness of the source from where
– my heart draws her faith and strength
– and my mind draws his clarity and vision
– and my feeling and emotion draws its balance
– and my body draws its resilience
– and my soul draws its light.
My dear mother in her lifetime drew her formidable strength and resilience from her faith in religion, her belief in a good God.
Me, i lost my faith in organized religion and ideological believes a long time ago, mainly because of my curious investigative mind that always wants me to look behind appearances.
My open eyes.
I have found my ground in the stillness of my mind, in the silence of my heart.
I may call it meditation.
I may call it awareness of the Self, the “I” beyond the “me”.
I may call it pure consciousness.
I may call it nothing.
Yes, i prefer not to call it something ; )
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching
There has always been a playfulness and lighthearted kid in myself, although i usually display a rather serious side of my character.
Now with age it comes out into the open more and more.
The kid ; )
It resonates very easily and spontaneously with puppies, picking up on the joyous jumping-around-energy that the little dogs have here on the beach all the time.
It resonates with cute little duckings waddling to and fro and with the cats yawning and stretching and toddlers doing their innocent things, babies smiling …
It shows up in the humor that i experience while i witness the many crazinesses and paradoxes of the human existence.
Yes, this humor!
A kind of cosmic chuckle ….
ps: Sure, even grownups can play!!!
Some play with code : )
Do you like to be playful too?