Spectrum of Consciousness. A rough sketch
Thats a nice picture up there, well known. How white light folds out into the spectrum of colors that we know and see every day.
Of course, in the context of the Spectrum of Consciousness, it is really not correct, not in any real way.
I meant to use it just as a metaphor, to make the point of all the colors of the rainbow emanating from a ray of white light.
The visible white light spectrum is a frequency band between 400 – 789 terahertz, a tiny fraction of vibration in the whole range of All That Is, which i assume as a vibrational spectrum between 0 and Infinite ; )
I am also aware how inadequate my language is, to “explain” what i feel and think “All That Is” is and how Consciousness manifests itself thru this whole spectrum of Existence.
Now I am a bit nervous about my attempt, but i have given myself this challenge.
I shall not chicken away from it!
(haha ; )
I am interested to put my thoughts and experiences and intuitive knowing into words, because these considerations concerning the Spectrum of Consciousness are giving sense to those big big questions that have fascinated and attracted me since my teenage years.
And obviously fascinated not only me : )
There have been big minds sharing deep experiences and elaborate explanations throughout history, starting from the Rishis of ancient India 4000 years ago – thru to a long line of enlightened minds in the East who experienced or interpreted those Vedic texts, up to – not so long ago – Sri Aurobindo, Helena Blavatsky, Steiner a.s.o.
I wish to humbly draw from their wisdom and what i have understood from their books.
But more than simply quoting them, i will rather go along with my own felt knowing and inner experience and see where it resonates with those teachings.
When i say “All There Is” i mean it as really all that is, in all visible and invisible dimensions and all spiritual realms.
In symbolic language it has always been depicted as a Full Circle.
I associate this “empty” Full Circle with The All, The Infinite, God, Consciousness or what ever name man has given to this original reality that is ONE and has all potentiality, every possible form already in it – un-manifest.
The whole spectrum of possible vibrations, of possible manifestations.
The All, Pure Consciousness is one indivisible whole.
Why it would divide itself in two poles, i don’t know.
Maybe it was lonely : ) Or bored ; )
But it did. And so it – the Whole – became the continuum between Infinite and Zero. Ultimate “White” and Ultimate “Black”.
Between these two poles moves the vast spectrum of Consciousness, giving birth to the Cosmos across many Dimensions and scales of Time and Space.
Our mind can access only a narrow range of Consciousness that lies in between the two Ultimate Poles.
Above “our”, the human range there are dimensions of Superconsciousness that the ancient Rishis called Satchitananda: the Existence, the Consciousness and the Bliss of the One Being.
And there are Subconscious Levels below our dimension that are inert Matter, where the inherent Consciousness is totally asleep.
Each pole of existence secretly contains its opposite, hidden and unmanifest.
In Taoistic symbology this is symbolized by the Yin-Yang
At the Superconsciousness pole, the Material Universe exists as an eternal and infinite Potentiality.
At the Subconscious pole Pure Consciousness is absorbed in the sleep of Matter.
Evolution is the Divine Game (called Lila in Sanskrit) playing out in creative ways between the two poles.
Matter flows into Consciousness and Consciousness flows into Matter.
Between these two poles, Consciousness continuously ascends and descends. The descent and ascent are “organized in stages” by the Creative Intelligence – that Aurobindo calls Supermind) that manifests the universe in all its dimensions.
This Creative Intelligence has been called the dynamic aspect of the Godhead in the Vedas and given different names in the Creation Myths of different Cultures.
Astonishing “details” of this Cosmic Creation can be found in many old Scriptures of the East as well as in writings of Gnostics, Saints, Theosophists and some Philosophers of the West.
I am trying hard to avoid all those details and confusing terminology in my little sketch here, that is – i confess – a little cartoonish ; ) For reasons of consistency i will mostly stick with terminology of the Integral Yoga of Aurobindo.
With those “dynamic moves” of the Creative Intelligence of the ONENESS, the Oneness extends itself into Divine Ideas and Formations, yet no individuation occurred. All is in Oneness.
And further on beginning to individualize form and “distribute” itself in its forms. The same Soul-essence everywhere in the variety of Soul-forms.
In a further descent the Creative Intelligence projects itself – as Divine Sparks/Souls – into Time & Space dimensions.
And here we are.
Just not yet ; )
In this last movement the Creative Intelligence interacts with the “dark pole”, the inert matter and evolution begins to create its many forms in matter.
Aurobindo now calls this involvement of the Divine Creative Intelligence the “Psychic Principle”. It supports and drives the evolution of consciousness through all forms rising from matter.
This implicit Divinity is emerging throughout the evolutionary chain as Pure Psyche, the Soul.
As it evolves thru countless circles of evolution as humans, it become the hidden Psychic Being, the Soul of man.
When the Psychic Being develops over many incarnations, it starts to take charge of the evolution and unfolding of the person and eventually leads the way to transformation of the persona (Persona means mask in Greek) and flowering of the Psychic Being, the Soul, shining thru person and body.
This process of dynamic Soul involvement in the unfolding of the next stage in human evolution shall be the theme of the next post.
There i also would like to sketch how – with the active participation of the person – it can lead to a totally new perspective for human life and society on Earth.
A new Dawn, so to say.
Stay tuned ; )