The Spectrum of Consciousness – the Human levels & its unfolding
The Spectrum of Consciousness that i tried to sketch out in the last post is also playing out to a certain extent in our human system, in us individuals.
I guess, since we are a Fractal of the Whole, similar principles and descending/ascending movements are at work all the time, unseen but close to home.
As Human Beings we are – somehow privileged i would say – that we can consciously participate and play a mayor role in this process of embodying more and more of the Psychic Being, the Soul.
And in this way “Spiritualize the Matter”, kind of bringing “heaven to earth”.
For me this is no metaphoric talk, but an ongoing inner work of spiritual practice to embody the unity of Spirit and Matter, Up and Down, Consciousness and Life in my Being.
A few good people, students of the Integral Yoga in Auroville/India have produced a cute video that explains the whole process in pictures and animations.
As usual, pictures can talk so much more direct to our subconscious and can say more than a thousand words.
I am grateful for they labor of love : )
Done in the typical Do-it-all-yourself fashion (DIY) that is embodied in this great place, Auroville, an experimental township in Southern India that exists since 50 years and is based on the principles of Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga.
Go visit!
It is not an easy to digest matter that i am presenting here. So please feel free to comment or ask questions if clarification is needed.
You are also welcomed to contact me privately: [email protected]