“Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They’re going to destroy
Our casual joys … “
Strange Days -The Doors / 1967
Yes, we find ourself living thru strange times indeed!
Now we have to have masks on on top of the masks we are usually wearing in public ; )
A Big Suspense has befallen our human world. In many places, cities and towns our little joy-givers are closed, the cinemas and the concert halls, the bars and brothels, churches and temples severely restricted, the gyms and massage parlors shuttered.
Businesses closing down, bankruptcies looming, employees laid off en mass, secure incomes threatened …
Hospitals overwhelmed, mental health hotlines buzzing, domestic violence on the rise and authoritarian tendencies of authoritarian politicians and governments too.
Not a happy sight!
Everybody is waiting …
The world seems to wait for …
The relief
The vaccine
The tourists
the clients
The cashflow
The mask-free times yet again!
And then we can – finally – go on with our life again.
As we used to!
This tiny bug – Corona – is having a big impact, thats for sure.
But has it been big enough for The Big Reset, big enough to set humanity on to a different trajectory, a more unified and human path?
You tell me, please!
Some of us – the “spiritual folks 😉 ” – had anticipated and even prayed for such a quantum leap in 2012.
Obviously – as so many prophecies before – it did not really show up, at least nor as anticipated.
So now i ask The God(s):
What will it actually take for humans to realize that we are all the same human species, equipped with some rather outstanding abilities and skills and blessed with the greatest possible potential for learning, growing and evolving of any species that i know of (except some advanced alien races of course ; )
WHAT will it take for us individually and collectively to understand that we are One Humanity, that we are meant to live in a natural harmony with each other, unity in diversity so to say, in collaboration and mutual support?
Not here to amass more wealth and stuff and stress.
But to use our precious time here for learning, developing our inert potential, growing as souls.
Thats all.
That would be cool in my book.
Would make me really happy!