My dearest friend recently surprised me with this question:
“If you would have children now, what would you tell them about the world, about life. What would you teach them?”
My spontaneous reaction was: “Are you pregnant?”
And this was obviously a stupid response to a very interesting question that made me think a bit …
And remember this old song that i once liked a lot.
(Teach your children well – from Déjà Vu – by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – 1970)
Of course, the reality is that i don’t have kids, not in this life. But i love them, they are the future.
If i would have kids now, i would probably rather teach them by example, not so much by words.
I would encourage them to be curious always and ask questions and investigate about all things without shyness.
I would teach them to take things apart, to look whats inside and to put it back together (hopefully ; ).
I would teach them to always learn new skills, to build things and create with all possible means at their disposal. All the time.
And how to get access to things, to tools.
I would show them that they are creators, that they can trust their imagination and dare to express their dreams. I would encourage them to dream big and bold and always talk about it.
With words i would read them mythologies, talk to them about archetypal figures and hero journeys, would show them the world in picture books and fairy tales.
Later on the internet ; )
I would definitely feed their intellectual curiosity with loads of books, support their growing individual interests by teaching them how to access the vast treasures of human knowledge in literature and contemporary writing.
I would introduce them to poetry, to the forgotten language of the word as art.
And art, there is a lot of pictures and museums i would love to show them.
And teach them ho to really look. In detail and perceive aesthetic and meaning.
I would probably try to share with them how i perceive and discriminate what i think as art, as beautiful and as true.
I would teach them and encourage them to learn to play instruments and to choose to master at least one such instrument for expressing: music.
I would surround them with music, all kinds of music, so they can form their opinion, their choices beyond the trendy influences of the media.
I would try my best to teach them to understand and use technology wisely, smartly and be on top of it rather than consumed by it.
I would probably – sooner than later – teach them to code and use computers to create their own content rather than become victim of the relentless consumption on social media.
I would help them to understand how social media companies are operating these days and the dangers they pose for naive young consumers.
I would teach them critical thinking, logical reasoning and not to take things on face value.
I would encourage them always to look for the truth behind appearance, try to detect the essence of things.
I would ask them to have an opinion about things and be able to articulate that.
I think i would go to great length to instill in them a love for open and transparent communication, for discourse and discussion. And talking about all things of interest together over the kitchen table. And in sharing circles. And in school.
I would ask them to always speak their mind, even when it is not welcomed and appreciated.
I would encourage them to stand out, to be able to stand up for themselves and speak their truth.
And be willing to accept the reaction, the consequences.
I would wish them to be courageous and bold and humble at the same time. (Quite a wish ; )
I would encourage them to believe in their strength, their convictions and qualities, later in their values.
To be self-confident, self-sufficient, able to stand as individuals.
Able to stand alone.
I would definitely teach them the values of community, the need for shared goals, discipline and compromise, the power of consensus and synergy. The blessing of caring & sharing.
In many ways i would try to help them understand human nature, the psychology and deficiencies of people and the ways to deal with them.
I would gently lead them to the understanding of what the world is and how humans show all the levels of light and shadow thats possible. I would teach them not to be naive and blue-eyed about it.
I would teach them that world is a mirror.
I would wish to show them with all i am how to live free and happy and caring and open-eyed and participating in this crazy world today. Without getting sucked up and swallowed by it ; )
Most of all i wish i could convey to them the most important piece of wisdom i found by living life fully:
– That consistently developed qualities of character and consciously chosen values determine out life path much more than outer circumstances and inherited limitations.
– That it is in giving & sharing that we receive and that the love we can give is all that counts in the end.
– That life always moves on, like a river to the sea.
I would – by example as well as teaching – show them a spiritual, integrative view of life & the world and how a spiritual practice can be lived in everyday life, in very practical ways ….
I guess i would want to convey to my kids a lot more than this, if i would have the chance to have some.
Most of it would just come about spontaneously.
But i guess, most of all i would just show them lots of tenderness and love and we would have a lot of fun.
Because, after all, isn’t this the only real reason to have children?