Once upon a time and half a lifetime ago i was a engineer.
For half a year.
I sat in a room with a hundred or so of other engineers.
All Germans except me and all male – i did not like that fact ; )
All of us geeking away on electronics. on big mainframe computers for industrial processes.
Interesting as it was, this electronic stuff, all new in those early stages of the digital domain, but I was not really into it, not with my full heart.
And so I was sitting there each day, looking at my fellow engineers and i knew that my dreams were of other things.
Cause in my drawer, underneath the technical manuals i had books about Indian Saints, about meditation and Buddhism.
A box of LSD too …
And so i quit, to start my quest for deeper things ; )
Those were the days, technically still quite innocent.
And look what we have now, just 50 years on:
A Digital World, Big Data Corporations, Machine Learning , Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Vehicles, Robots, Neurotechnology, Brain-Computer Interfaces , Quantum Computers, Cyberspace in Outer Space …
The Left Brain has fully taken over, the brilliant engineering mind is getting us to Mars and everything is broken down to Zeros & Ones, the perfect expression of Duality.
And like in any duality there is the Dark Side too, besides the brilliant side, besides the promise of building a better world..
Mischievous hackers defacing websites, the nasty cybercriminals stealing credit card numbers and more, the cyber-thieves stealing identities and the cyber-spies the most secret state secrets.
And then the Facebooks & Cos getting all our data and using it for advertisement and their profit.
Governments using Video Surveillance and Facial recognition to control their people.
Did i mention the military?
Cyber warfare is the newest coolest thing for them.
Welcome to the Brave New World !
What am I talking about?
I am not sure yet ; )
Probably just want to make sense of it all : )
Maybe i just want to say: Hey!
Hold on, lets stop for a second!
We are maybe walking along way too fast, too one-sided!
Maybe i want to say that this Universe is analog, beautifully organic, not a digital one.
That technology and the digital tools are great and impressive.
But technology has never been the answer to the human predicament.
The ultimate questions.
Technology has now developed way ahead of ethics and our conscience.
It needs checks and balances.
We have a Left Brain and a Right Brain in our head.
And a Brainstem too, our reptilian base.
Consciousness is something else all together.
Something above & beyond.
And inside too, i hope …
Do robots dream, can they feel love?
Will Artificial General Intelligence one day outsmart us all?
What about our built-in “technology”?
What about Telepathy instead of iPhones?
What about Teleportation instead of SpaceX rockets?
What about developing our brains to full capacity instead of inventing Quantum Computers?
What about checking the Akashic Records instead of Wikipedia ; )
And so on …
You know what i mean?