Crossing the Rainbow Bridge
Or, lets rather put it this way:
How to build the Rainbow Bridge and walk it then …
“What Rainbow Bridge?”, you’re probably asking yourself now ; )
And i will do my best here to lay out what i know about it, what i do practically to “build and walk it” and why i think it is important that this information gets out into the world.
In Theosophic Philosophy and Vedic Scriptures the Rainbow Bridge is known by the term antaḥkaraṇa, अन्तःकरण in Sanskrit.
I left the recent article “ The Soul and her Vehicles” rather open ended:
” …. And then there is one very important theme left out yet:
How to phone “home” to the Soul from ‘here in exile’? …..”
“ET wanna go home!”
When i lightheartedly quote ET and talk of the longing to “go home” i mean:
To bridge the gap that exists between me as a Person and me as a Soul and “me”, Pure Spirit/The Monad.
To return to the unity of all those seeming diversities, the ORIGINAL UNITY.
And how to “accomplish” that in rather practical ways, applicable to our day-to-day life.
For me this is the ultimate goal worth pursuing, the best reason to be here & now and give my very best on every single day of my life : )
But before i even start going into “the Journey of the Return into Unity”, i want to share my view about how we – Humans – actually got here in the first place ; )
I can hardly imagine the time it took from the first moment of the Big Bang – when our Physical Universe came into being (13.8 Billion years ago or so they say ; ) – until our beautiful Earth planet first became inhabitable by organic lifeforms.
According to the Science of Palaeontology, the Origin of organic life started to happen 4 Billion years ago deep under the Ocean, at a long long period when Earth was mostly covered by water.
If we want to believe what Evolutionary Biology and Charles Darwin tells us, “we” all started off as some humble organisms and then evolved into more structured animals: fish and water reptiles of all kinds and later climbed on land to become early reptiles and mammals and so on .
Gradually, there evolved a prehuman type which eventually became early, animal man, separating itself from the animal kingdom.
With the beginning of a mind and a glimmer of self consciousness – which could become the nucleus of a mental body – the human race began.
Animals – with a few rare exceptions of highly individualized species – are governed by group-souls.
And thats quite a different kind of story.
But our own story, “The Story of the Return” actually started there, with the beginnings of a mind in a rudimentary individualized consciousness.
The story of “the gradual ensouling of the Earthling”, i call it.
At least this is how i imagine that, don’t really remember those early days ; )
Of the dawning of the mind …..
In that visionary movie – 2001: A Space Odyssey – The Monolith is a symbolic way to say that something mysterious triggered the individuation of the animal-man being and the appearance of a rudimentary mind – an idea!
I think this made it possible for Soul to incarnate lightly in the primitive man-being by anchoring the Silver Chord – Sutratma in Sanskrit – in the Heart Center of the Etheric Body. This Chord – or first Thread of the Antakharana – is the original connection that reaches from Spirit/The Monad thru the Soul to the Body and infuses it with the Life Impulse, “The Will to Be, The Will to Evolve”.
For the Soul it will also be the means to have contact with the physical being and influence its development.
But at that point and actually for long long ages, the Soul has no way to interfere with its development. There is very little the Soul can do, except – thru seemingly endless new incarnations – create a body, give it its various physical, astral and mental make-up, and leave it to get on with the job of evolution.
Now, fast forwarding a couple million years to here and now, 2021 AD, most certainly we humans have made some progress and development.
We seem to have lost a bit of body hair and developed a more articulate language – a lot of them, actually ; )
Our brains have gained in in size and sophistication and our physical bodies have become a marvel of a perfect organism.
As a species over all, our physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies have gone thru waves of growth and refinement and Soul has done a good job furthering and guiding this process thru eons of time.
Still, in many ways we Humans are still pretending to be Neanderthals, just now we use bigger sticks to hit each other dead. Rockets and drones and guns aplenty!
Surely lots of inner development and transformation is needed before we can even think to call ourself the Crown of Creation or something like that.
En-souled human beings, Souls functioning effortlessly thru enlightened Personalities in fine-tuned Bodies, fulfilling a higher plan than that of the self-centered, narrow minded, materialistic oriented ego.
The Plan could be Heaven on Earth, why not?
Its a wonderful Earth, right?
Personally i have no inkling to emigrate to Mars.
Elon Musk, do you listen? ; )
Lets rather put all our resources and efforts into inner development and personal transformation to fulfill the promise and highest potential that a human being could actually be.
That brings me back to the story of the Rainbow Bridge, the science of the antaḥkaraṇa that has already been talked about a long long time ago in Vedic scriptures.
The Return Journey to Unity of Person, Soul and Spirit.
Without going too deep into the rather exotic ; ) teachings of the Vedas and Theosophy, and the astonishing things that Clairvoyant sources say, i would like to shortly share a bit what is explained about the antaḥkaraṇa.
They say that the Sutratma has a shimmering, silvery appearance, which is why its sometimes called the Silver Cord.
It is the Original Soul Connection but only one third of a triple thread that passes from the Soul to its incarnate body through the crown of the head and downward the subtle bodies, parallel to the physical spinal cord.
The Triple Thread is composed of the Sutratma – the Thread of Life, the Antaḥkaraṇa – Thread of Consciousness – and the Thread of Creativity.
The Sutratma originally gets anchored in the etheric body’s Heart Center.
Later in the development and refinement of the subtle bodies the Antahkarana becomes anchored in the middle of the brain of the etheric body, which is close to the pineal gland of the physical brain.
And as the result of the conscious and continuous interplay of The Life Impulse and the Consciousness Impulse of the Soul, the Creative Thread gets anchored into the Throat Chakra of the etheric body, which serves as the source of creativity in the human who is practicing conscious contact with the Soul and is already well along the Path of Inner Development.
If this sounds quite esoteric to you, even exotic … well, i admit, yes it is : )
But no matter how much of it we can hold possible or believe, how much of it we can feel or intuit or even clairvoyantly “see” … in the end it is only really important what i as a person can do to further the connection with the Soul level, how i can practice Conscious Contact with the Soul.
For lack of a better word i use the expression:
The Spiritual Path to describe the process of the gradual Unification of Person, Soul and Spirit.
Becoming ONE.
I am not talking about a spirituality that wants to escape the body and the world. For me that would be a misunderstanding.
I mean cleaning up my personal psyche, en-soul-ing this beautiful body so that Spirit, my true identity may run the show here ; )
I have a strong feeling that life on earth will look pretty nice then.
Humanity living with purpose and in harmony with all the other kingdoms, angels, animals, plants and all.
How to do it, what can we do to make this happen?
To further the Return Journey, to walk the Rainbow Bridge?
It is also called the Pathless Path.
And in my own experience this expression is very much true, paradox as it seems.
Although there are thousands of books written about all different aspects of spirituality, there is no ONE GUIDEBOOK.
One book with How To Do – Recipes.
I found that out of the total sum of all my many life’s experience and knowledge and wisdom The Path appears as i go.
Everything has its reason and place when it is filled with awareness and raised into consciousness.
More and more i go, more i trust my inner guidance – the Still Small Voice of Soul.
My progress is driven by my own longing for home, for oneness.
Thats the fuel, so to say and thats what moves me into action.
The “actions” and “activities” i found most helpful in furthering my progress on this path:
– Housecleaning – the thorough evaluation of my personality and everyday life.
Cleaning my psyche of subconscious, not-yet-integrated parts, dealing with unfinished karmic business.
Bringing all to the light of consciousness to establish transparency and integrity of my person.
This may be done by rigorous self-observation and honest self-reflection as well as integral counseling and therapy, whenever necessary.
It can be messy for a while. They say that the truth will set you free. Very true, but first the truth about yourself will piss you off more often than not ; )
– Meditation – the systematic and ongoing practice to let go of all the inner hustle and bustle of our mind and emotional body.
The regular practice of it – i like to call it mental hygiene, like brushing teeth ; ) – creates a mind that is receptive rather than reactive. A quietude and openness of the mind that allows for receiving the subtle impulses and nudges of the Soul thru Intuition or Inspiration.
In more scientific terms it could also be called the switching of the brainwave patterns from Beta to Alpha, Delta, Theta, Gamma.
And simply said, creating peace and quiet and open space inside yourself.
Does that sound like a desirable state to you?
I bet!
: )
Every meditation – even if we don’t realize that because we may think nothing special is happening when we sit and meditate – is adding subtle substance to the building of the bridge between Person and Soul.
– Service – the other main practice supporting the establishing of the antaḥkaraṇa is selfless service.
Service is such a strange and undervalued word nowadays in our materialistic culture. But it actually has been a important aspect of most religions and spiritual paths of the past.
And in the context of Soul Contact it is a mayor thing.
When the person (us : )) begins to feel compelled to make any uplifting contribution towards others, it is an indication that the individual is already thinking beyond his or her own needs and wants.
The person begins to resonate to a higher form of love.
Love that is widely inclusive yet impersonal.
The person becomes more and more receptive to the altruistic and what’s-the-best-for-the-whole orientation of the Soul level.
This creates a strong rapport between personality and soul and a strengthening and widening of the bridge.
Now Intuition and Inspiration will flow much easier, clearer and direct.
– Contemplation – The other process to complete the antaḥkaraṇa is the development of the Abstract Mind.
In our System of the Whole Self, Soul is “residing” in the Causal realm, the Causal Body of ours. The higher mental body is there the next-door neighborhood, so to say.
To be able to think abstractly brings us into close proximity to the Soul level.
Abstract thought – we might maybe also call it glimpses of universal wisdom – makes it possible to see the broader picture of things, the hidden truths behind the outer events and appearances.
The deeper principles that govern life and circumstance can be seen in new light and with a spiritual understanding not realized before.
Most importantly, the subtle abstract mind is most receptive to insight, en-light-enment, intuition, inspiration and universal ideas.
The way to cultivate abstract thinking, to develop those very subtle areas of mind is by the process of contemplation.
I like the word Mystery a lot.
It has such mysterious ring to it ; )
It speaks of something not yet known or even knowable, interesting and attractive and fascinating.
But the more we know about it the clearer it gets that we know very little yet.
Three mysteries exist for me that are central in the story of our Existence as Human Beings and the Return to Unity.
I suggest that – from time to time – we drag our attention aways from the smaller stories of our everyday life, personal dramas, problems, movies, news and all that and and sit down quietly to contemplate those mysteries.
The Mystery of Life
The Mystery of Consciousness
The Mystery of Love
I firmly believe that the Mystery of Love is most central to it all for us humans at this point in time.
Understanding and “mastering” and “practicing” Love will be the Magic Key to the Kingdom
…. as they say in the fairy tales of old ; )
But that again is another story for another day ….
Thank you for your patience and persistence to follow this kind of sharing all the way to this point.
I sincerely hope you could benefit from it in new ways and found some pearls of insight here and there.
I will add here links to some previous writings, articles that can expand about relevant things written here:
The workings of the soul / The soul and her “context” / How does it all … (Part 1)
The soul and her “vehicles” / Auras, Chakras, Glands and the rest …. (Part 2)
The psyche, the mind, the ego, the self, the soul, the “I” – a clarification
Spectrum of Consciousness – a rough sketch : )
Spectrum of Consciousness – the human levels & its unfolding
Seven really good reasons why i can’t meditate ; – )
Dealing with the Monkey Mind / A short & sweet primer on How to Meditate
How to meditate – A bit more seriously this time
The mind, the brain and the rest
What is the place of Spirituality in our busy 21 century life – Part 1
Let us talk a little about: Selflessness / Altruism
In case you have more specific questions or if you are interested in personal Zoom Counseling and Spiritual Guidance, please contact me directly at [email protected]