Jan / 20 / 2017
Its a dark day
for America
Its a dark day
for the world
when Greed comes to Town
its almost too much of a joke
that (still) the most powerful nation on earth
is going to be run by a bunch of billionaires
who were assembled almost randomly
to form a functioning cabinet?????
that the “leader of the free world”
is going to be a obviously narcissistic, egocentric, attention seeking, ignorant bully
a endlessly self-congratulating, notorious truth-twister
… shall i go on?
ya its a joke
… almost
; D
its a dark day
when the efforts that have been made
to advance progressive reforms
and push important global issues forward
shall be wiped out now
… or so they promise
its another dark day on earth
and its a good idea to stand up
and turn towards the light
Stand up people, don’t be quiet!
America the Ugly is not the only America there is!
America is not only the red-faced, fat, ignorant, un-cultured,
loud, obnoxious bully who thinks he is great
because he can buy everything with his $
America is also the home of great minds
great innovative impulses and projects
great people who push forward agendas for the betterment of humanity
America has always been a promise
Let us pray for America